[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/dubiel-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230308/7cee190f21ec5c75f3b23ce36b29b31e.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] [color=#fbb6cb]"Hm."[/color] Asahi nodded in reply at Kumi while feeling another heavy weight being put on his shoulders. He swore, if his little side quest to the mountain turned out to be an epic failure, he will gladly throw himself over the tower by the lake over and over again. Probably best he didn't say anything to her back then but on the other hand, it did feel nice to have some sort of reassurance. Once everything was settled, he set off with Duncan on their journey to the mountain. The sun had begun settling on its rightful throne up in the cloudy blue skies, giving the duo a nice amount of light and warmth on the cool morning. Asahi could also hear Nature gradually awaken all around them. Birds sung their beautiful songs as the chirpings of insects joined in, playing an orchestra of life and vigor. Different kinds of animals would have awaken as well, readying to start their day hunting for food and other stuff animals hunt. He just wished none of those beasts would hunt the duo. Of course, nothing will ever be easy in this god-forsaken place. [color=#fbb6cb]"Oh fuck my ass...[/color] Asahi angrily complained upon seeing Oros who's seemingly waiting for them. [color=#fbb6cb]"What the fuck are you doing here? You should be back at the camp helping the others. We can't have three Awakened all together! We need to help defend the base!"[/color] He added, putting his hands on his waist. [color=#fbb6cb]"What got into your fucked-up mind that made you think you can come with me- us? I thought you were so adamant about winning that stupid election?"[/color]