[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QIUSezo.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ycOCuCr.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5kOTFmOGIuVkdobElGUnlhVzguMA/thuast.demo.webp[/img] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/a_ZXp74cmcnxAvQSBK0nee5IJqvtSKuclfYouJxS7HA/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/231126/fd923e18179d11fb770a1c53aea6dd00.png?format=webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LRt9Ofi.png[/img] [/center] [right][code]Luca’s Apartment[/code][/right][hr] [color=6B8E23]”Welcome to [i]a casa de[/i] Luca,”[/color] Luca grinned, as he opened the door to his apartment. Of course, the trio had already been there - but he might as well make it a dramatic entrance! Carrying one bag of snacks, he ushered them in through the small hallway to the main living area. It was looking a bit worse for wear than when the girls were last there - a pile of broken chairs shoved into the back corner, the couch filled with more holes. But there was a new armchair beside the threadbare couch (which Luca had ordered for Jasper, ignoring his protests) and the place had a bit more life to it with little decorations here and there, along with Jasper’s setup for painting. [color=6B8E23]”You can put your stuff in there, Lynn, Lila,”[/color] he gestured to the first door on their right. [color=6B8E23]”Make yourselves at home! Jasper’s been using the room, but I’m sure it’s pretty tidy.”[/color] He grinned at Jasper, moving towards the back of the living room. With great delight he got right up to his desktop computer and turned it on with his finger on the power button - he didn’t need to use a stick to do it! [color=6B8E23]”All of you, make yourself comfortable! There’s a few more nice seats in Olivia’s room- well, I guess it’s more Jasper’s now. We’re still storing ‘em in there. I’ll get this set up for some movies!”[/color] Jasper moved to the kitchen, he carried bags filled with ice cream, popcorn, alcohol, soft drinks, and various other cheap snacks. The bag of high quality snacks stolen from Lila were included in this mess. He quickly moved to put the frozen snacks away before he got everything else onto the counter top. [color=98FB98]”Anyone want anything to start?”[/color] Jasper grabbed a ginger ale and opened it, he grabbed a bag of sour gummy worms and made his way to the living space. [color=DA70D6]“I’m still mad,”[/color] Lila said as she crossed her arms looking at Jasper, [color=DA70D6]“tomorrow we’re going to the market so you can buy me more.”[/color] [color=F08080]“Be more chill, Lila,”[/color] Lynn said as she draped her arms over Lila’s shoulders, [color=F08080]“the boys knew you would want your snacks tonight, that’s why they brought them.”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“What about the wrappers in the bag,”[/color] Lila asked as she grabbed Lynn’s hands with her own. [color=F08080]“I don’t have a good answer for that,”[/color] Lynn said as she stared at Jasper, [color=F08080]“but let’s get a drink! And some ice cream!”[/color] Lila grinned at the thought. After everything she had been through today she wanted to be the drunkest form of herself, and she turned her attention to Jasper with a wicked smile. [color=DA70D6]“Beer me beer maiden.”[/color] Jasper raised an eyebrow at the name. He grabbed two bottles of beer and two bottles of water and passed them to the girls. [color=DA70D6]“You must drink the water before I grab you another beer, now excuse me as I start making us some food.”[/color]. Jasper pulled out various vegetables, rice, a slice of beef, and various cooking pots, pans, and utensils. [color=6B8E23]”Yeah, I don’t want anyone throwing up on my furniture!”[/color] Luca said, pointing to the girls with a mock stern expression. He then laughed and went back into the kitchen area, started putting the remaining beer and soft drinks into the fridge. Normally he avoided going in there when he could, so the fresh food in there would stay fresh. But he didn’t have to worry about that right now. Stormy walked in at last, carrying bags of food and drink inside and setting them on a counter. [color=00ff98]”I brought the rest.”[/color] He pulled out one of the tubs of icecream and placed it on the breakfast bar, sliding it towards Lynn, along with a couple of bowls and spoons. He then grabbed himself a soda and turned to Stormy. [color=6B8E23]”What do you want? We got the beers we brought from Lila’s, the wine we bought… there’s a bunch of soda too if you don’t want to drink!”[/color] [color=00ff98]”Grab me a soda, I’ve had enough to drink already.”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Alright, one soda coming right up!”[/color] Luca grinned, grabbing another soda and handing it to Stormy. He then gestured to the living room, looking at the girls and Stormy. [color=6B8E23]”Make yourself at home while Jasper cooks, guys!”[/color] He walked back over to the couch, perching on the arm of it. [color=6B8E23]”So Stormy, how you been? We hardly saw you the last two coven meetings! Well, they were pretty chaotic… but it's nice to properly see you again. The four of us have been spending a lotta time together since the first meeting, so it's nice to get some fresh company.”[/color] He raised his can, grinning jokingly at everyone. [color=6B8E23]”To all being together again.”[/color] [color=98FB98]”To friends!”[/color] [color=F08080]“Hell yeah, I missed you all!”[/color] [color=00ff98]”I’ve been alright,”[/color] he said, raising his can up with a grin. [color=00ff98]”I just get busy, occasionally. I have to work through a computer a lot, since I had to make time to come back for… [i]Everything.[/i] But I’m glad to be back, even if it’s for worrying reasons.”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Yeah, it's nice everyone's back!”[/color] Luca grinned. [color=6B8E23]”I didn't have to make much adjustments but… it's nice to get out again.”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“Let’s make sure this go around is better than the last because I love you all,”[/color] Lila said as she downed her drink, [color=DA70D6]“beer maiden, another beer!”[/color] [color=98FB98]”Water first,”[/color] Jasper responded without even looking. [color=DA70D6]“Awww,”[/color] Lila pouted as she opened the water, [color=DA70D6]“thank you for bringing us back together Luca!”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Of course!”[/color] Luca smiled brightly. [color=00ff98]”I missed all of you, I never imagined we’d all be back here together.”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Me neither,”[/color] Luca sighed, feeling a bit emotional over it. Of course, he'd spent the last week with Jasper staying over and seeing Lynn and Lila but… this really made it feel real. Everyone was back, and they could spend time together again. [color=6B8E23]”Y'know when the coven ended, it was like there was this void… I was like what do I do with my life? I can't exactly be around normal people. Me and Olivia joined 8th Street, Emily's coven, for a while till she started getting…”[/color] He trailed off, shrugging. [color=6B8E23]”Well, you saw how she was. But the other guys were pretty nice! Just after I left I thought that was it, just me and Olivia, then me and phone calls with Olivia. Everyone being back is a dream… even if we got tear gassed by day two. Oh man, that makes it sound like my life's been shit, it really hasn't! But Sycamore was always like… filled with all the people I loved.”[/color] [color=98FB98]” It’s what drew me to the 317, I missed that family I built with you all back then and my sister saw that, and saw that I could truly blossom there,”[/color] Jasper said in response, [color=98FB98]” there was a lot of bullshit that was hard to deal with back then with the old coven, but it still felt like we were all in it together, you know? I hope we all can find that sense of family again, especially now.”[/color] [color=F08080]“Tear gassed on our first day,”[/color] Lynn said as she pointed to Lila, Lynn, and Jasper, [color=F08080]“what a fucking welcome back that was,”[/color] Lynn sighed, [color=F08080]“I nearly didn’t even come back, but once Kari died I felt like I had to, and now that I’m back I don’t know what I’d do if I ever left again!”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“Emily,”[/color] Lila groaned as she took another drink from her water, [color=DA70D6]“I don’t blame you for joining them, Luca, and I’m thankful you’re here with us in the good coven once more!”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Hey, they're not all bad,”[/color] Luca half protested, though he smiled to make it clear he wasn't upset about it. [color=6B8E23]”People like Carol are just there cause their life got fucked over by Britney and they're looking for a cure. I can get why she didn't want to come back and sticks with them… some of the others are in similar situations! Emily's sisters too, they're just trying their best. But, yeah. I'm glad I'm with you guys.”[/color] He grinned brightly, taking another sip of his soda. While he actually did miss 8th sometimes, especially people like Carol, it wasn't so bad now that he had these guys around. [color=6B8E23]”Oh! I should text Ken to let him know we're here, and send my address just in case.”[/color] [code]From Luca: Hey Kennn! Jsyk we r back at mine! Here’s my address in case you forgot, come whenever ur free![/code] While Luca texted Ken, Lila sat with his words for a minute. The sisters of Emily seemed nice, Carol was Carol, but how could any of them stick around a transphobic cunt like that? It was bad enough that Emily forced Lila to get physical, but she had also turned her power into something much more scary. She knew she was adjoined before, but what was she now? And why did the maiden seem to know the rot? These questions demanded answers, and the more Lila tried to fight that urge the more she felt her anxiety take hold. [color=DA70D6]“Hey Luca?”[/color] Lila paused as she leaned forward, [color=DA70D6]“Can we have that talk now, in private?”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Sure! Let's go into my room, I gotta get some bandages anyway,”[/color] Luca smiled, standing up. He gestured to the other three. [color=6B8E23]”You guys use whatever you want, Jasper knows my desktop password if you wanna put something on… we'll be back soon.”[/color] Then he led Lila to his room. Jasper put the washed vegetables onto the cutting board and took a drink from his ginger ale. He washed his hands and then walked over and logged into the laptop and pulled up the movie catalogue. [color=98FB98]” Stormy, what’s the vibe for the first movie?”[/color] [color=00ff98]”Hmm…”[/color] He thought about it for a brief moment. [color=00ff98]”Something terrible? Comically bad?”[/color] [color=98FB98]”Camp, we need something campy,”[/color] Jasper said as he tilted his head upward. [color=F08080]“What about that Evil Dead movie from like a long time ago? I heard it was silly, scary, but terrible by our standards,”[/color] Lynn said in response. [color=98FB98]” You’re thinking of The Evil Dead and we do have that,”[/color] Jasper said as he pulled up to, [color=98FB98]” Is that bad enough Stormy, or do we want to go more ‘so bad it’s good’?”[/color] [color=00ff98]”So bad that it’s good, or [i]great,”[/i][/color] he answered. [color=00ff98]”How does that sound?”[/color] [color=F08080]“I got it.”[/color] Lynn said as she downed her full beer as quickly as her body allowed. [color=F08080]“Rubber!”[/color] Stormy chuckled. [color=00ff98]”I’m not familiar with that one. Let’s watch it.”[/color] [color=F08080]“Let’s see… oh we have that one,”[/color] Jasper said as he clicked on the movie and hit play. It soon started playing on the TV and the opening crawl of the movie began. [color=F08080]“Hopefully it’s good.”[/color] Jasper got up from the computer and walked back to the kitchen. He wouldn’t have food ready by the time Luca and Lila came back but he could get a good start on it. He was going to make rice bowls for the group. [hr] Luca's bedroom was unsurprisingly bare. In one corner was a single mattress, not even a bed, with a hole filled blanket over the top. The mattress itself was incredibly worn. The only other furniture was a rotting wooden wardrobe and cupboard on the opposite wall, along with a small plastic storage unit beside the bed. Luca went into that and pulled out a large plastic box, filled with all sorts of first aid supplies. He sat on the mattress and started cleaning the wounds on his arms first, looking at Lila with an apologetic smile. [color=6B8E23]”Sorry there aren't many places to sit,”[/color] Luca said, patting the mattress beside him. [color=6B8E23]”What did you want to talk about?”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“I wanted to talk about…. what happened earlier,”[/color] Lila paused as she rubbed her arms, despite the healing she could still feel the after effect of the feathers that pushed through her skin. [color=6B8E23]”Ah, when we…”[/color] Luca trailed over, wincing as he pressed an alcohol wipe too hard into one of the wounds. [color=6B8E23]”Lost control a bit. Yeah, we should definitely talk about it. But first, are you okay?”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“It hurts like a bitch,”[/color] Lila said as she looked down at her arm, [color=DA70D6]“like it felt like my bones were pushed out of the way and shit, and the feathers…”[/color] Lila paused as she shook her head, [color=DA70D6]“but I’m okay. You?”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”It looked awful,”[/color] Luca grimaced, over her pain rather than his own. He was used to his own, the slow burning of his organs being eaten from the inside out, but Lila's was new to her. It was all new. [color=6B8E23]”Oh yeah, I'm fine! It looks a lot worse than it is!”[/color] He laughed lightly, holding up his arms. He then pulled out some cloth bandages and wrapped them around his arms to cover up the rotting flesh. [color=6B8E23]”Is the Maiden talking to you more now? Since the… sealing.”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“It felt terrible,”[/color] Lila laughed as she shook head. [color=DA70D6]“I’m glad, we should try and take it easy the next couple days so we can heal”[/color] Luca nodded at that… though he wouldn't have much choice. He knew that he would be sick tomorrow, and weak. [color=DA70D6]“Not until tonight though,”[/color] Lila tilted her head, [color=DA70D6]“i think she was just waiting for a moment like that? I’ve seen her in mirrors, and windows, since then so I don’t think she was ever gone,”[/color] Lila’s eyes narrowed, [color=DA70D6]“because of Emily she finally had a way back in.”[/color]. Lila’s eyes widened and she took a deep breath. [color=DA70D6]“Did…. Did you get the feeling that The Maiden and The Rot knew each other?”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”It's often like that with them… They wait until you're weak to talk and try to take over. I have a lot of experience with the Rot, trying to get in. It rarely gets so bad, though,”[/color] Luca sighed, tapping his fingers on his legs. It wasn't the same for him, he'd never seen the rot like that. It just talked in his head. [color=6B8E23]”I did. I wasn't entirely in control, but the Rot definitely… talked to the Maiden like it knew her. If it was still here, I'd ask. It's strange, there was a sense of familiarity shared with me. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“I would ask as well but she’s very particular,”[/color] Lila groaned, [color=DA70D6]“they for sure knew each other, like knew, knew each other,”[/color] Lila paused as she grabbed her head, [color=DA70D6]“since when do these fuckers have friends? They better not be in love or anything like that. You don’t think they’re in love do you?”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”I hope not,”[/color] Luca grimaced. [color=6B8E23]”Imagine! Our apparitions get romance before us! That wouldn't be fair at all!”[/color] After he said that he couldn't help but burst out in laughter at the ridiculousness of it. There was no way that could be the case. [color=6B8E23]”That's probably not the case, I bet they just met while destroying things together. It's strange that they seemed to know each other well. I think… we might have to talk about it when the rots back. Maybe. I'm not letting it out again, but I guess like. Through us.”[/color] He sighed, before offering Lila a smile. [color=6B8E23]”At least it's both of us, right? I guess I'm your apparition senior, huh?”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“Yes you are, you’re an apparition elder! I’m glad that I have someone so cool to share this with,”[/color]. Lila joked. [color=DA70D6]“I’ll try and ask The Maiden when she’s back as well, maybe they can talk through us. Though I’d say we have Stormy right there to stop them just in case,”[/color] Lila said as she rubbed her arm, [color=DA70D6]“and copious amounts if alcohol and painkillers.”[/color] Lila paused as a devious grin fell across her face. [color=DA70D6]“Oh for sure, what a shame it would be if the apparitions got action before one of us, although,”[/color] Lila paused as she raised an eyebrow, [color=DA70D6]“you and Jasper are getting close. How has staying with him been? A good roommate, I hope?”[/color]. Lila wanted to pry just enough to see if there was something happening between her two friends. She could simply ask Lynn but that wouldn’t be fun, nor fair to her friends as that felt like an invasion of their privacy. [color=6B8E23]”Well, I have plenty of painkillers at least,”[/color] Luca laughed, quickly checking the time on his brick phone when he said that. He still had a few hours until he had to take his evening dose of the sustained ones, so that was good. He’d need to get a refill soon too which was a pain… Ah, getting off topic. [color=6B8E23]”Me and Jasper?”[/color] Luca froze, cheeks heating up. Was it that obvious that he liked him? Did that mean Jasper knew?! No he would have rejected him if he did… [color=6B8E23]”It’s been really nice. He cooks and cleans, I couldn’t ask for a better roommate and friend. Yeah. Friend… haha.”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“Oh,”[/color] Luca revealed much with his words, and Lila knew to press the advantage, color=DA70D6]“friends? You view Jasper as.. just a friend? You don’t think he’s.. cute?”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”I think handsome is more right-”[/color] Luca blurted out, blushing. [color=6B8E23]”Well he’s sometimes cute too. But like! It’s just a little crush. Just a little one.”[/color] Luca held his head in his hands, hiding his embarrassment. He hadn’t even drank anything and here he was telling someone the feelings that had just started developing and probably wouldn’t go anywhere. But it was so easy to tell Lila… And it wasn’t like he was talking about anything bad! [color=6B8E23]”I’m not completely sure. I’ve never really liked anyone before, haven’t had the chance. It might be because he’s the first guy I’ve been around for longer periods of time! Circumstances wise… well, I couldn’t.”[/color] Of course, Luca meant so much with that - Jasper being straight, him hosting the rot and… his inevitable death. Lila wouldn’t know about the last bit, thankfully. Lila wanted to scream however she did not want to alert the rest of the group. [color=DA70D6]“I thought that’s what I was seeing earlier,”[/color] Lila said as she clapped her hands, [color=DA70D6]“You two would be so cute,”[/color] Lila said as she raised an eyebrow. She thought Jasper was straight but the way he was looking at Luca made Lila think there was more to the story. She would need to look into how Jasper was feeling when the moment would allow. [color=DA70D6]“Well I’ve liked a lot of people before, what does it feel like to you?”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Jasper’s straight, so,”[/color] Luca waved a hand, looking back up at Lila with an awkward laugh. How did he describe it? It was difficult when so many sensations could be mistaken for his physical symptoms. [color=6B8E23]”Well… I just feel really happy around him. I’m always happy, y’know, but it’s a different kind. My breathing kinda gets faster, and I blush a lot- I normally don’t! Also whenever he hugs me I feel like I’m going to combust. Like my heart is going to leap out of my chest! I want to hold his hand and hug him more, even though I can’t- maybe I’m just touch starved!”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“I thought he was straight as well,”[/color] Lila said with a frown, [color=DA70D6]“I know he’s experimented, but beyond that,”[/color] she shrugged, [color=DA70D6]“so who knows, he might surprise you!”[/color]. Lila smiled harder as she listened to Luca describe what he was feeling, and walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder, [color=DA70D6]“feel the same? Or do you think his touch feels better?”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Oh.”[/color] Luca paused, glancing at Lila’s hand then up at her. [color=6B8E23]”His feels better- uh, not that yours feels bad. It just doesn’t make me feel all that other stuff. My heart is quite happy inside my body right now!”[/color] So he guessed he really did like Jasper. It didn’t surprise him all that much, but it was something to think about. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, though. It was easy to accept something that wasn’t meant to be and enjoy the light feelings he had. He shook his head. [color=6B8E23]”Please don’t tell anyone! Especially not Jasper… or even Lynn!”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“That’s not a worry with me,”[/color] Lila said as she released her grip with a smile. [color=DA70D6]“I’ll tell no one,”[/color] Lila looked back to the door and back to Luca, [color=DA70D6]“tomorrow let’s talk again about our parasites, tonight let’s go enjoy our company yeah? It was nice talking about earlier though, I need more drink to get drunk but taking helped.”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Thank you,”[/color] Luca smiled brightly, standing up. [color=6B8E23]”Yeah, let's enjoy ourselves tonight, serious stuff can come tomorrow! Since you're staying here for now we'll have plenty of time to chat… but I'm not sure you should drink too much more. I only have one bathroom if you and Lynn start throwing up!”[/color] [hr] [color=6B8E23]”Whoa, what movie’s this?”[/color] Luca asked as he and Lila walked back into the main living room after their talk. He’d managed to get his blushing under control, thankfully, subtly glancing at Jasper’s back where he was cooking as he made his way over to the kitchen to grab a bag of crisps. He then went and plopped down on the couch, beginning to munch. [color=6B8E23]”Wait a minute, did that tire just make something explode?! Shitttt- do you think that’d be possible with magic here?”[/color] [color=6644ff]”Anything is possible where magic is concerned, Luca.”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”What the fuck?!”[/color] Luca properly fell off the couch, more on edge thanks to constantly dealing with a skeleton during movies with Jasper. He landed with a thud, groaning quietly and twisting around to spot Jack. He let out a soft sigh of relief. Of course, he recognised Jack’s voice, but it was difficult to register that after dealing with constant home invasions. But he quickly recovered, grinning at him. [color=6B8E23]”When did you get here, Jack? Wait, if it’s possible with magic, could we make a sentient tire?”[/color] Jasper heard a voice that should not be there, in the middle of a movie, with Luca nearby. He was in the kitchen which meant he would not be able to get inbetween the threat, and Luca, and instead he knew he had to get something and throw it to ensure that he bought the two some time before the skeleton monstrosity laid a single hand on his cute friend. He grabbed the meat tenderizer, cocked an arm back turned and went to throw it, but thankfully caught sight of a familiar face instead of a hated one. Jasper lowered his guard and looked to the ceiling and mouthed a ‘fuck’. [color=98FB98]”Jack,”[/color] Jasper chuckled, [color=98FB98]”you almost got tenderized. Want a drink?”[/color] Jasper lowered his gaze to rest on Jack’s face. [color=#F08080]J[/color][color=#EB7C91]A[/color][color=#E779A2]C[/color][color=#E276B3]K[/color][color=#DE73C4]![/color], the two girls said in unison and with a joyful tone. It was high pitched, and carried with it a hint towards the drunken nature of the two. [color=F08080]“Come, come sit down!”[/color] [color=00ff98]”What the hell is going on in-“[/color] Stormy appeared from around the corner of the kitchen, where he was helping Jasper with something. He saw Jack and immediately knew what had just happened. [color=00ff98]”Oh. You.”[/color] [color=6644ff]”Me. Apologies for the surprise,”[/color] He said. [color=6644ff]”I’ve been teleporting directly here regularly lately, so I assumed Luca would not mind if I did so again. I heard about a party from Kenshiro.”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Oh yeah, I don’t mind you coming in,”[/color] Luca laughed, waving a hand and looking over at Jasper. He’d understand why Luca had been so freaked out, just like Luca understood why Jasper had immediately picked up a meat tenderizer. [color=6B8E23]”Just maybe announce yourself next time… But you’re welcome! Sit down, have a drink if you want! The more the merrier… Ah, this is the biggest party I’ve been to since the old coven days. And the biggest I’ve hosted! I’m glad Ken let you know about it.”[/color] [color=6644ff]”So am I. In fact, I brought a gift,”[/color] Jack said, holding one empty hand out in front of him. He cast his Blackout Shift spell, and a container of [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1220356426841456669/1222691426069123082/image0.jpg?ex=66172320&is=6604ae20&hm=e91198c29d9e8c538b82a1ba059a011bae9509e14ee8bb4c1190d6d7e9cffeaa&]chocolates[/url] from his stash in thr Shadowzone appeared out of thin air. He sat it down on a table in front of the couch. [color=6644ff]”Fresh from the Void.”[/color] "Whoa, thanks Jack!" Luca reached out and took a random chocolate, popping it into his mouth. [color=F08080]“You spoil us,”[/color] Lynn said as she leaned over and grabbed the one that looked most enticing to her eyes, [color=F08080]“How did Ken do after we left? Last we heard he was going to give Emily a piece of his mind.”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“Let’s not talk about that cunt,”[/color] Lila said as she sank further into the cushion. She did want to know how Ken did, she wanted to know a lot about Ken, but she did not want to talk about that whore any more tonight lest the group risk The Maiden and her corruptive wrath. [color=6644ff]”He should be here, shortly.”[/color] Jack took a seat on the couch beside Lila. [color=6644ff]”How much have I missed?”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“A lot,”[/color] Lila said as she looked away from Jack as she grabbed her drink. Where to start with that question? The feathered hand that felt like a hundred blades that forced their way through her skin? Or the talons that felt like her bones were pushed apart and to the side? Or to the fact that Emily outed her in front of the whole town, in the middle of what should have been a joyous night? [color=DA70D6]“but not too much. It’s good to have you back, by the way.,”[/color] She finished as she looked back towards Jack and offered a quick smile. "Yeah, we've just been chilling here, started a bad movie- Jasper's making proper food! We didn't get a chance to eat it at the festival." Luca grinned, assuming Jack meant what had he missed at the party rather than at the festival… though it could be that too. He turned his head towards Jasper. "Will there be enough for Jack and Ken?" [color=98FB98]”Oh of course,”[/color] Jasper said with a chuckle, [color=98FB98]”I always make enough for seconds,”[/color] he paused as he looked over the group, [color=98FB98]”and thirds.”[/color] [color=00ff98]”It won’t be long now,”[/color] Stormy said, as he walked over to the couch to take a piece of chocolate before ducking back into the kitchen behind Jasper. [color=98FB98]”Rice bowls are thankfully easy to make and make a lot of,”[/color] Jasper said as he smiled towards Stormy, [color=98FB98]”thank you for your help,”[/color] Jasper spoke quietly and directly towards Stormy. [color=00ff98]”Not a problem, I like being helpful,”[/color] he said. [color=00ff98]”And it’s been too long since I’ve had the chance to do something nice with all of you.”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”I can’t wait,”[/color] Luca grinned, rubbing his hands together gleefully. [color=6B8E23]”Jasper’s cooking’s amazing- I’ve been eating sooo much better since he moved in! Honestly, whoever gets to marry him will be blessed- cough.”[/color] Stormy heard that, and grinned from the kitchen. He cut himself off with a forced cough. Why was he talking about Jasper getting married! He turned back to the movie awkwardly. [color=6B8E23]”Ohhhh after a movie or two we should play some party games! Maybe when Ken gets here!”[/color] [color=98FB98]”I don’t know about amazing,”[/color] Jasper joked as he turned to Luca, [color=98FB98]”but it is my life goal to achieve the way of the house husband.”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”You’ll be amazing,”[/color] Luca said softly, quiet enough that Jasper wouldn’t hear. [color=DA70D6]“Beer maiden,”[/color] Lila said as she shook her empty water bottle, [color=DA70D6]“one beer please.”[/color] Lynn was intrigued by the smell of the food and slipped into the possible future to see if it would be any good. Her eyes glazed over for a brief moment before she smirked. [color=F08080]“I can’t wait, it tastes good surprisingly. And beer maiden, one for me as well!”[/color] Jasper obeyed his friends' commands, reached into the fridge, grabbed two beers and two bottled waters, and walked them over to the girls. [color=98FB98]”Last one for a while girls so enjoy, you are being slowed down!,”[/color] While everyone was occupied, Jack reached a hand out and drew a black circle in the air, about the size of a dinner plate. It began to fill itself in towards the center. [color=6B8E23]”I don’t need magic to know it’s going to taste good,”[/color] Luca looked over at Lynn with a laugh. [color=6B8E23]”I’ve been eating Jasper’s dinner for the past week, I know it’ll be good!”[/color] His eyes darted over to the movie, then back to Lynn and Lila, speaking on a mock stern tone. [color=6B8E23]”Jasper’s right, you gotta slow down or you’ll be on cleanup duty.”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“Don’t worry [i][b]Luca[/b][/i],”[/color] Lila paused as she leaned back into her seat, accidentally spitting out Luca’s name, [color=DA70D6]“Lynn will take care of me, Lynn is great and a good [i]friend[/i],”[/color] Lila looked over and smiled at Lynn. This alcohol was doing wonders for her pain management. [color=F08080]“Oh don’t worry about me,”[/color] Lynn waved off the concern, [color=F08080]“I will be fine! This is a normal Saturday for me. Don’t worry Lila, I got you”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”Still…”[/color] Luca trailed off, expression slightly more concerned as he looked at Lila for just a moment… before appearing cheerful again. If they both wanted to drink, here was the best place! And if Lila went all bird on them again it would be fine. [color=6B8E23]”Alright! Just don’t blame me when you’re both hungover tomorrow- though I hope we don’t have anything on tomorrow. There probably won’t be a meeting, right? It has been a whole week but… everyone will need to recover after the festival.”[/color] [color=00ff98]”Probably, but there might be,”[/color] Stormy answered from the kitchen. [color=00ff98]”If there is, she’ll understand if someone sits it out. I hope.”[/color] [color=6644ff]”At the end of the disaster that was last week’s meeting, Auri considered speaking to Ashley’s ghost for a lead. She may have found answers by now.”[/color] Jack stuck his hand through a fully formed void portal, reaching through the universe for something. With his other hand, Jack fished his phone out from a pocket and checked his messages from Anya. [quote]Where are you? Sloane's worried Father Wolf got you. She's very drunk. We’ve been ambushed by Trevor. Help would be appreciated. [/quote] [color=6644ff]”Well, that is simply [i]tragic,”[/i][/color] He said aloud, drily, as Jack withdrew a box of To’ak chocolate. It was some of the most expensive delicious chocolate on the planet. And also the most expensive, going for several hundred dollars per ounce. And Jack just pulled out enough bars of the stuff for everyone present, with more to spare. He closed the portal and sat the comically lavish snacks down on the table. [color=6644ff]”A few years ago, I came back to Shimmer and found myself in Romania. There was an Adept woman with an obsession for magical power that found me, and chased me across the country, demanding to learn how I could open portals to places outside the All-Verse,”[/color] he said as he stood up. [color=6644ff]”I teleported into her home one night, after she set me on [i]fire[/i] to get what she wanted out of me. I stole that-”[/color] He pointed to the chocolate. [color=6644ff]”And everything else in her kitchen to spite her. She was quite wealthy, and I am sure she was exceptionally angry with me after that… I haven’t returned to Romania ever since.”[/color] Luca’s mouth fell open, and he just stared at Jack for a moment. His confusion about what was tragic was very quickly ignored in favour of shock over the story behind a lot of expensive snacks. [color=6B8E23]”She set you on fire?! Just to learn how to make a portal… maybe cause I’m not an Adept, I get it’s impressive, but it wouldn’t push me to human arson-”[/color] [color=6644ff]”I lived,”[/color] he admitted. [color=6644ff]”But I certainly did not feel like I would at the time. She had the [i]incredibly[/i] wise idea to drown me in kerosene beside a river. All I had to do was jump. Though, I never wore that shirt again. I should’ve robbed her for more than just her kitchen, in hindsight.”[/color] [color=6B8E23]”At least another shirt,”[/color] Luca half laughed, still in shock. [color=6B8E23]”And maybe all her money- then you would’ve been rich! Though I bet money’s nothing to you if you can just teleport wherever you want- Not that it’s much to me. Not much point in material goods when you can’t keep them.”[/color] Luca grinned, seemingly unbothered by it as he reached for one of the boxes. He opened it, saw that there were instructions and weird implements, and completely ignored it in favour of just eating a piece. [color=6B8E23]”Mmm- it is good. Worth the burning, I think.”[/color] [color=F08080]“I second that, wow,”[/color] Lynn said as she put her box down. The flavour profile was exquisite, and Lynn was at a loss for words to describe the flavour. [color=F08080]“Thank you, Jack.”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“No way,”[/color] Lila said as she grabbed her box, [color=DA70D6]“I’ve always wanted to try, try, to try these,”[/color] Lila said as she pulled it closer and hugged the box, [color=DA70D6]“I’ll have to give youuuu, give you some of my good snacks sometime to thank you!”[/color] [color=98FB98]”I’ve had these before, they’re very good! I will save these for later,”[/color] Jasper said as he walked over and grabbed a box. [color=98FB98]” You’re doing something right if Lila is offering up her good snacks for free.”[/color] [color=6644ff]”I come across many things, which I store in the Void. Enjoy those, I need to save Sloane and Anya from an irritating PRA agent who is more obnoxious than dangerous.”[/color] He typed up a quick message to Anya. [quote][color=6644ff]Sloane has approximately 30 seconds to brace herself for transport. Alcohol and my magic do not mix well.[/color][/quote] [color=6644ff]”Should I extend an invitation for them to join us?”[/color] Luca glanced at Lynn and Lila, then at Jasper. He knew that Jasper really disliked Sloane, but… maybe it would be a good opportunity to bury the hatchet? And then, he could just politely ask her to leave if it didn't work out. He didn't particularly like Anya but… in the spirit of togetherness. [color=6B8E23]”Why not! There's enough food, and it'll be good to talk when things are more relaxed. Maybe we can get over some issues.”[/color] [color=DA70D6]“Tell them, tell them that we’re doing coven bonding stuff,”[/color] Lila said with a hiccough, [color=DA70D6]“tell them it’s mandatory!”[/color] [color=F08080]“I suppose,”[/color] Lynn said with a dry tone, [color=F08080]“what’s the worst that can happen?”[/color] What’s the worst that can happen? What’s the worst that can happen??? Jasper fumed in the kitchen silently as he cut up some more vegetables. Each slice, each cut came with a audible ferocity that signaled his displeasure at the idea. There was no chance that he would go along with this insane idea, there was no way he’d let Sloane crash this party, nothing would silence him. And then Luca said why not and the audible sounds of Jasper slaughtering the poor defenceless food fell from the air. His shoulders grew less tense, his breathing more normal, and his thoughts fell firmly to those about Luca and his happiness. [color=98FB98]''Tell them we’re all busy practising our abstractions and are prepared to take our coven to the next level,”[/color] Jasper joked, [color=98FB98]”toss them an invite. What’s the worst that can happen?”[/color] Jack nodded, and typed out another message. [quote][color=6644ff]After you found us, I ran into the Greenwood Coven, who intercepted Emily Reed after she stole Sully’s Chalice. They explained to me that they were returning it to him, so I let them be. I am currently away from the festival, at Luca’s home with Jasper, Lynn, Lila and Story. Luca arranged a party, and the two of you are welcome to join us. According to Lila, the party is, and I quote, “mandatory coven bonding stuff.”[/color][/quote] A text came back from Anya not long after. [quote][color=9966CC]Okay, glad you got that sorted. We'll come along to the party. Just don't teleport us as soon as you arrive… Sloane will probably throw up over Luca's floor. Might be unavoidable, but best to take precautions. Maybe bring a plastic bag.[/color] [/quote] [quote][color=6644ff]I am on my way.[/color][/quote] Jack put his phone away, and looked at the others one last time. [color=6644ff]”I’ll return shortly.”[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/9VNc0PShCsBZTPLizLytdKicOWm18zBLbjSaekXYQmc/https/i.imgur.com/8FMvh2h.png?format=webp[/img] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240301/afc2e4e091f5e77155a2bde75504f79e.png[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Anya, Trevor (Unfortunately) and Sloane [/right][right][b][code]Cracker Barrel[/code][/b][/right][hr] Once again, Jack stepped through the shadows and made his way across the city to the island. It was starting to rain now, and the festival would surely come to a close before long. Between here and Luca’s place, he ditched the reaper costume in favor of his usual [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1224755256466870393/image0.jpg?ex=661ea537&is=660c3037&hm=5aad7f1af60b22b5c8fedac220333ff954c80a28bf5e2c55289b2ff1dcbcfced&]choice of fashion.[/url] It was more suited to the weather than walking around in a cheap costume. He appeared on one of the rooftops, looking out over the island for Sloane and Anya. It was getting late, so there shouldn’t be that many people to begin with. As he teleported from one roof to the next, Jack eventually stumbled upon them, being harassed by none of them the Terrible Twink himself, Trevor fucking Obott. Jack observed the conversation from a distance, noting that Sloane was still a drunken mess. Maybe that made Trevor more tolerable, or maybe she was just that damn depressed, he didn’t know. He briefly considered casting his Night Terror spell to scare the little shit off. And then he considered it more, and more… Looking around, there didn’t seem to be any people aside from those three in the area. And it was dark enough that he could easily slip away if someone [i]did[/i] notice them. He teleported around again, down to the ground between two buildings. When he walked out, he was not simply Jack Hawthorne, but a [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1158583197341335572/1224466483690737875/LmpwZw.png?ex=661d9847&is=660b2347&hm=00b27cb5f7717d4e6c052454dd70f632e27c32adb55e74abbe67fc6407ec28fb&]shadowy figure of humanoid shape[/url] that seemed to glide across the ground. He silently walked up behind Trevor as he was speaking to Anya and Sloane, keeping no less than 5 feet of space between them. He was silent like the grave, until the moment he wanted to be noticed and scare the shit out of Trevor. [color=6644ff]”Shouldn’t you be harassing your [i]coworkers[/i] right now, Obott?”[/color]