[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lr2aPKL.jpeg[/img][h1]The PRA.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Jack the "rip his balls" ([@Blizz]), Sloane ([@Atrophy]), & Anya ([@FernStone]).[/right][right][b][code]The Halloween Festival. The Beach Bar. Cracker Island.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] [quote=Sloane][color=silver]“[I]Trevooooor[/I], save Jack. He's our ride home. Bianca’s got us. Prove yourself and go [I]saaaaaave [/I]him…”[/color][/quote] Trevor scrunched his face up as he tilted his head. "... Who [i]is[/i] Jack? Your imaginary friend?" Trevor scratched his head and laughed. Probably imaginary question marks could be seen floating around his head. Also, stop kicking me! You're damaging federal property!" He rotated so that he was facing a completely different direction. If Sloane kept kicking, she'd probably be kicking more stool than anything. "Maybe your friend has had enough to drink!" Trevor laughed as he pointed at the drink Agent Liao and Keagan left for the two. "Next up, she'll be asking me to save[i] Jill![/i]" [quote=Anya][color=9966CC]”Your boss and her… friend talked like they were close with Emily G. Reed and Vashti Nour. I know they helped with your… previous leader. Have you been working together since then?”[/color][/quote] Trevor laughed. "I wouldn't say they're [i]close[/i] to the two... well, funny story," He chuckled as he leaned back in his chair. "After the whole thing with, uh,[i] you-know-who[/i] blew over, Agent Liao took over as regional commander. We tried to contact the two Covens—we couldn't find Greenwood, but we found 8th St... and found out all the fucked up shit they were doing. So we [i]tried [/i]to get them to stop and when [i]that[/i] didn't work, we raided 'em!" He laughed again, as he continued, "I remember we hit 'em with the teargas, the flashbangs, the taser darts - they had this big motherfucker nothing worked on until I hit 'im with the [i]Secret Weapon![/i] But, yeah, they all managed to get away through a portal except for the leaders and this one guy... Agent Sawyer. [i]Agent Sawyer.[/i] Ooooh, maaaan, he got dealt a bad hand in the... Lighthouse Incident." The remaining four agents glared at him when he mentioned the Lighthouse Incident. He was quiet until they went back to chatting. Then he continued, "Well, I guess since he left the PRA he's just Sawyer - forgot his first name - oh yeah, [i]Aaron![/i] But, he was a real stand up Agent, never did [i]anything[/i] bad - [sup]unlike a majority of the Agents you run into [/sup] - but his sister was an Agent too. And after the Lighthouse Incident she went MIA and it hit him real hard so he left. Not surprised about that. But also surprised he's rolling with Emily's crew - because have you spent more than five minutes with her?! What sort of fucked up, spoiled childhood when [i]she[/i] have?!" Then he laughed. "Oh yeah, I got off track, I didn't see how it ended, because the one with the book kicked me in the balls. But apparently Aaron bartered some type of deal between 8th Street and the PRA. They give us info on what's going on out there in the street and we turn a blind eye to their antics. A reeeeeeeeal popular choice if you ask me, but I'm just a three time Trainee Ag-" [quote=A Spooky MF][color=6644ff]”... Shouldn’t you be harassing your [i]coworkers[/i] right now, Obott?”[/color][/quote] Trevor screamed like a little girl, as he fell out of his chair. He stared dead on with this evil looking spooky motherfucker! He looked to the left, and then to the right, as he had no other options. He stuck his hand out towards the shadow demon ghost thing guy. It was time for the Secret Weapon. [i][h1]"... TESTICULAR [b]TORSION![/b]"[/h1][/i] A glowing green orb came out of Trevor's hand at lightning speeds towards Jack/The Shadow Motherfucker. If it hit, it would bypass [i]all[/i] defenses and... torsion his testicles. "Oh shit!" At the same time Samson almost fell out of his chair... his firearm wasn't on him, but he definitely had a fire [i]arm[/i]. He let loose a blast of fire that came out like a flamethrower towards Jack. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dmV1aeh.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/z52bQ04.png[/img][h1]George Nelson & Carol Doyle.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Ayrin Thorne ([@NoriWasHere]).[/right][right][b][code]Cracker Island. Halloween Festival. Right outside the fight.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] [quote=Ayrin][color=00BFFF]” If you want my phone you’ll have to take it from me. We both know you're too big of a [i]pussy[/i] to fight someone who can beat you.”[/color][/quote] "Ooooooooooooh!" George threw his hands up into the air as he pointed at her, turning towards Carol. "Do you see this motherfucker?!" "Yeah I see this motherfucker!" Carol answered. "Do you [i]really[/i] see this motherfucker?!" George said again. "Yeah I [b][i]really[/i][/b] see this motherfucker!" "... Well not for long!" George shouted as he cocked back a fist, and came in with a wide-arced, full-force, haymaker. All of George's brutal strength focused into one punch towards Ayrin's chest.