The links were broken when the IC went up, yes. Suki is from a dead RP and it only makes sense to leave the links dead as well. Only a [i]severely deranged person[/i] would try to make sure that their links work at all times. I can just picture such a person periodically backtracking and repairing broken links to ensure their work is "good for future readers." I cringe. But now that the links are broken, we are free to visualize the character however we wish. Maybe my prospective partner does not like anime? To be fair, such people have no taste, and I likely wouldn't enjoy RPing with them anyway. But there are benefits to leaving how a character looks up to the imagination. Though the [i]real[/i] reason why you're here is to ask to RP with me, and given your focus on Suki's sheet, you want the first idea. Unfortunately, that's not going to be possible. I'm already running that idea with six other people and only half of them are alt accounts.