[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230703/8c199199ca10f1c5ef8f2ee90df61845.png[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/0g97bPNxxmIAAAAC/atlantis-the-lost-empire-princess-kida-princess-kida.gif[/img] [b]Action:[/b] none | [b]Bonus Action[/b]: none[/center] Kida looked visibly confused at the scene that played out before her. She wanted to offer the man assistance but he seemed not to need it and the things he said just sounded like a foreign language to her. She turned to Pacha once the man had hurriedly left them. "[color=6ecff6]What is.... groove?[/color]" Surely there was an explanation for the behavior of the emperor. Maybe throwing off whatever [i]groove[/i] was was an offence in these lands?