[h2]Miina Malina[/h2] Looking at the fields in curiosity was... strange. Well, one they were just unusual to her, having grown up in a forest and all. Her detour off through Edren hadn't often taken her through cultivated fields, and the ones that she [i]had[/i] passed by tended to be different. To see this much of a single food in one place... well, hopefully it was meant to be food, and they didn't just have an odd fixation with surrounding their village with one sort of grass? That would be bad. Though it would explain why everyone looked so starved, so maybe-- Ah, it was the invaders? So it [i]was[/i] meant to be food, then. Why [i]were[/i] they starving the populace? Starving people were worse at doing... well, anything, right? So they'd get [i]more[/i] overall if they taxed less and didn't risk everyone starving to death. Maybe the Valheimr knew something about farming that she didn't? That was also quite likely. Before they entered the village, they were accosted by a Viera in a tree. That alone drew attention--so this one knew the [i]other[/i] Mystral, who seemed to be well known from what everyone had said? Or knew someone that knew her? Huh, what were the odds of that. Even as everyone else started to voice their doubts or opinions on whether she was [i]honest,[/i] Miina kept quiet. It wasn't as if she knew much about infiltration or verifying strange shady people, so she couldn't [i]really[/i] say. Sure, she dressed a bit blatantly, but would anyone really be looking for that...? And she could just change clothes. But her [i]last[/i] attempt at making friends had lead to working with some rather unsavoury people. So she'd just keep quiet. And keep watching the Viera. Did being a Viera make them bouncier?