[center][img]https://imgur.com/LaKV12v.png[/img] [img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/z8xjG/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjoxODMsInciOjI4MTMsImZzIjo2NSwiZmdjIjoiI0ZFRkVGRSIsImJnYyI6IiMwMDAwMDAiLCJ0IjoxfQ/QWlzbGluIFJvc2U/darlington-demo.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][i]Halloween Festival, Outside the Fight[/i][/color] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] Aaron Aryin ([@NoriWasHere]). [b]Direct Dialogue:[/b] George & Carol ([@Punished GN])[/sub] [hr] She heard a crack. Yep, she [i]definitely[/i] heard a crack. The ropes lost their life, and Aislin bounced off George, collapsing to the ground as she moaned, clutching her shoulder. She wouldn't be surprised if she fractured her collar bone. [quote=George]"... Did somebody try to tackle me? [i]Or was it the wind?”[/i][/quote] Aislin growled, trying to think past the pain. [b]“Not. Funny.”[/b] The ground shook, and Aislin looked up in time to see Aryin get yeeted into the sky. [b]“No!”[/b] Aislin cursed a string of curses under her breath, chin perking up as she saw Carol approach. Aislin covered herself with her hands as best as possible, weakly warding off the pummels. The pain in her shoulder area was making it hard to think. Hard to move. The extra punches to her gut weren't helping, and Aislin, out of desperation, turned her attention downward. The fractured ground became animated, turning quickly into quicksand. Aislin rolled back as the dirt and soil quickly gave way under Carol, sucking her into the earth. Aislin's eyes glanced to the ground under George, and the same thing happened. There was one key difference, though. While Carol's absorption into the ground would stop at her neck, George would continue to fall deeper and deeper into the soil, passed head level, at least six feet deep. Aislin wasn't intentionally trying to choke him out, but she was at a severe disadvantage. If she had to suffocate him unconscious first, so be it. As the earth continued to pull in its victims, Aislin struggled to her feet, hand clutching her bad arm close to her body. Aryin wasn't here now, there was no reason to continue, except to ensure her own safety. Aislin pursed her lips, taking a few hesitant steps back. She couldn't very well leave George to die underground either, though. But she also had to consider their own abstractions. It was dangerous to linger any longer than she already had. She had suffered an injury already. Anymore and... So she turned, cut off her connection with the earth, and ran through the tents, hopefully to get away.