I'm working on a post-apocalypse RP which will set the characters up in 2025, post-apocalyptic Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. Basically, in 2024, six weeks before the beginning of the RP, a viral outbreak of a new disease began in the Congo before quickly spreading throughout the entire world. While illness is still common, nearly 5% of the world showed a natural affinity to defeating the virus. Piles of infected bodies that could pose a threat to your health, ruined streets from weeks of riots and looting, and bands of lawless survivors are all real dangers that our characters will face as we struggle to find ways to defend ourselves, food to eat, water to drink, and a place to finally call our own. It is up to you, as players, to decide whether you'll fight to rebuild society, or fight to keep the anarchy that is prevalent... Who's interested in seeing more?