[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]Aventon — Hunter's Lodge[/h3][/center] It had been one hell of a shriek, but Anne couldn't hear any of the usual sounds of battle. No plume of smoke in the distance, no crowds of fleeing villagers—the ones she could see looked just as confused as they were scared by the sudden noise. The Knight watched and listened carefully for a couple more seconds, until she finally picked up the distant shout of a familiar voice. [i]Rayne?[/i] From what Anne could hear, the witch girl was trying to assure people of their safety. That, and something about... Cows? Whatever. So long as it wasn't any threat, Anne didn't need to know. In fact, Anne didn't [i]want[/i] to know, or have anything to do with it at all. Effective immediately, she was making the tactical decision to keep as far away as possible from that nonsense, and let someone else wrangle the insane weirdos for once. "Nothing to worry about," she told Millie, as she turned away from the door a little too quickly for comfort. "Just a, um, farming incident. Why don't we talk about dreams? You have very interesting dreams." Before she could overhear anything else about screaming cows and suffer a mental breakdown, the Knight stumbled back to the girl's side and knelt down once again. "Tell me. Did the lady you saw say anything more about the bad people, or what they were trying to bind?" Her green eyes were a little serious, even as she patiently waited for Millie to find her answer. Weakened barriers between different worlds, binding things to this one: even if it didn't make a lot of sense, the whole affair sounded eerily reminiscent of what had happened to Anne herself, and all of the other 'strangers' besides. [@PKMNB0Y]