[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/708cdcbd8f2adb4ddee36951523c7257.png[/img][/center] In the midst of the tumultuous battle the sounds of blade against blade rang out amidst the torrent that poured down from the stormy skies above, the air was filled with noise. Thunderous blasts of water, voices filled with anger and pain echoed in Clive's ears as they rang from the blast that sent him sprawling. The southerner groaned, gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut as he slowly struggled to push himself onto his hands and knees heavily breathing on all fours. "[color=F1B338]Urgh...Ooh, that's gonna hurt in the mornin'[/color]" groaned the man as he stumbled to his feet, Clive had to get his bearings after being tossed like a sack of potatoes. [i]'[color=F1B338]Damn it, we ain't even made a dent what the heck are we gonna d-[/color]'[/i] the farmer bit his tongue frustration brewing, their efforts seemed as though in vain no matter what they threw at the man. "[color=F1B338]You dang old son of a bitch I-[/color]" the texan growled cracking his knuckles more determined than ever to beat the ever living crap out of the man who killed when James suddenly came in like a madman yelling at Zigmund, worried for the cleric Clive snapped out of his daze and rushed at Zigmund not realizing what was happening to him too focused on his one task to pay much mind to the divine invocation. "[color=F1B338]Lemme give you a hand partner'[/color]" taking advantage of the lapse in Zigmund's composure he slammed a fist into his back sending the man skidding with the force of the blow, causing another ripple in Zigmunds armor.