[b]Isabelle[/b] “You know I’m enjoying this too,” Marcina says as she stands before you in the face off. “I’m not just Adriana’s lackey, and you all are making for a good workout. I love learning about people like this.” She listens as you try to reason with her. “Yes maybe you’ve got a po—fdsffgfagdsaf” she says as the muffin hits her right in the mouth and you’re breezing past. You race down the hallways with Asil and Kiriala comes loping beside you, slipping into a Hybrasilian huntress run that uses all four limbs to stay low to the ground and maintain a speedy pace that lets her run beside you without needing to pant. Your footsteps are eaten up by carpet, and your turn the corner to find Adriana already out the door. She turns to look at you as you barrel out of the building. “We’re not fighting in the streets, I’ll be writing this entire incident up as a planned stunt for the finale done in collaboration with Mayze Serpaws as part of her big reveal. A soft spot for skilled finalists I think. Besides, the priestess is already away along with the Antonius girl, who frankly has given her family a better reputation than at least two thirds of her much wealthier cousins. I’m biased of course, the Teresio family has always been of the opinion that we did more than half the founding of the Consortium and having to mix the name was a concession we can never get back.” She smiles at you as Marcina comes racing up behind. “Well, off you all go, I know you’ve got things parked around her somewhere. Or I can give you a lift if not. Say hi to Mira for me when you see her.” *** [b]Dolly[/b] You are indeed rescued. You and the two girls and Angela all squeezed very tightly into the Barn Owl and well clear of the whole thing. It’s obvious in retrospect that they didn’t want to turn this into a public incident. Station staff will all sign NDAs and they’ll turn the Mirror broadcast into being part of the show. It certainly stunned. Where do you go to unpack and cooldown? To see the end of the match announced properly as they finally get camera drones to cross miles to inspect everything? What do you do with the two station attendants you’ve obviously kidnapped (because surely if they went willingly they’d lose their jobs. No, no, it’s obvious that they were coerced and kidnapped by the goddess, it’s the only explanation). *** [b]Mirror, Solarel[/b] Wishes shared amidst a battlefield that will be remembered for generations. You stride out of the radiation zone, to a world where time behaves in a linear fashion and where camera drones can create a proper feed. There is a hoard of them, carefully organized from miles away to rush across the battlefield to be here. You signal the end of the match, there are no more ships left to fight. You signal victory for Mirror and defeat for Solarel. You are together. Together to appear on camera. Together to leave the battlefield, slowly. Together as they fetch a shuttle for you. Together returning to the Hangar. What more is there to do? *** [b]Matty[/b] You are shirtless, soaked, and exhausted. You loll back in your chair, splay out your arms and relax. You’ve been an incredibly good girl and you get to bask in that feeling. Or you would, until you hear Slate’s suppressed giggles from behind you. “Finally had myself a good nap. Guess the match went well, kitten?”