[h2][color=gray]The Louvre, Gala, Main Area[/color][/h2] [@Lexisheeps], [@WhiteAngel25], [@Days] [hr][hr][center][hider=Apashe - Good News][youtube]https://youtu.be/06bsyr3Zs24?si=nJQAPUFUdtmhjGs5[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr][hr] The chandelier swayed and swayed. Almost in time with the rush of boots enclosing the space. As Stella's portal closed, and she ran off with the sceptre, the Louvre was flooded with the heavy boots of body armored, masked HiveMind agents, assault rifles raised and pointed at the guests in the crowd. Tear gas canisters rolled across the ground in droves, spewing forth dangerous white smoke that would cause the eyes and throat to burn, and make every breath like scraping against glass. [H2][i]"Get on the ground!"[/i][/h2] [b]“Everyone on your knees!”[/b] Shouted the agents, forcing guests down. Anyone resisting was shot with a taser. Security guards that approached the agents were immediately shot on sight with the rifles. They weren't messing around today. Sabrina, Thierry, Cosy, Auri, and Aaron would have little choice but to follow suit with the other guests starting to kneel. Or, they could resist and risk getting tazed. Theo was given special HiveMind treatment. All aloof and alone on stage, he would only need to look up and see, morphing out of its invisibility camouflage, was none other than The Beast, the medusa-like robot that served directly under Von Galloes. The Beast snaked down from the ceiling, encircling Theo with its body, red eye staring down at the man. [b][color=red]“Theodore Noel de Villiers, you have been summoned by my master. Resist, and you will know true pain.”[/color][/b] The Beast, towering a good four feet over the man, held out a pair of handcuffs from one of its hair-like appendages. [b][color=red]“Put these on, and accept your destiny.”[/color][/b] Nick, meanwhile, received a different gift from HiveMind. All at once, his vision blacked out as the directives in his system started overloading his mind, making him more susceptible to mind control. As his vision returned, Nick would feel a specific flood in his mind, drowning out everything else. A directive. A new command, straight from Von Galloes. [code]“Put Thierry in an arm lock behind his back with his stomach on the floor.”[/code] Concise and detailed, ensuring Nick couldn't use his creativity to worm his way out of the command.