[center][h1][b]Peter[/b][/h1][b]Time:[/b] Night [b]Location:[/b] Damien Estate Ballroom [b]Interaction(s):[/b] Cowlick [@samreaper][/center] Having sneaked into the Damien estate more than a few times at this point, the place was getting to be old hat. Peter knew exactly where to change into servant clothes and it was easy to figure out where certain supplies were being stored. Not that knowing all that made it a walk in the park to move through the Damien estate. The security was tight, with strategic checkpoints and patrols, and occasional servants passing by forced him to stay on his toes. Peter’s servant outfit helped to some degree, but there was still a lot of waiting and watching involved. He had to carefully choose his moments to move, hide, or pretend he had every reason to be where he was whenever someone approached. But Peter lived for the thrill of it all. With each close call, his heart raced, and the risk only fueled his excitement. He relished the chance to test his skills. It’s why he made the daredevil decision to be a little sh*t and take it further after he got his hands on a bag of gunpowder from the storage room. Since he was here, might as well snoop through C-Bert and Lili-A’s things. Peter carefully made his way to the living area of the estate and randomly picked a room he could start his search in. While poking through various items, trying to find something remotely interesting, a sudden noise interrupted his explorations. He froze mid-motion, straining to listen. The sound grew louder. Without hesitation, Peter dropped to the floor and squeezed himself underneath the largest piece of furniture. The door swung open, and a guard strode into the room, his boots thumping heavily on the floor. Peter watched intently as the guard’s feet paced around the room, eventually stopping right in front of his hiding spot. Time seemed to crawl as the guard remained motionless, and Peter could feel beads of sweat forming on his brow. He was beginning to think that he’d have to fight his way out when the guard turned and exited the room. The door closed behind them with a soft click. Peter exhaled slowly and counted the seconds, waiting for what he thought would be a safe amount of time before attempting to emerge from his hiding place. Just as he was about to move, muffled noises pricked up his ears. It was coming from the other room. Being the nosy bastard he was, the rogue listened good. [hr] Back in the ballroom, Peter was just another faceless servant thanks to the servant-issued mask slapped on his face. But he had a harder time finding Olivia and Cowlick than he did with the gunpowder. Turned out Olivia bolted from the party a while ago. And after playing a few rounds of servant roulette with a crowd wearing the same drab uniforms and bland masks, Peter finally found the guy he was looking for. “Hey Vincent,” Peter called out, “you dropped this.” He handed a leather pouch to Cowlick, then clapped him on the arm, putting a little extra oomph into it. “Next pint’s on you, and we’ll call it square.” Gunpowder delivered, Peter turned away, leaving the farmer boy to do whatever scheme he had cooking. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][color=DAF6C7]Ríoghnach "Riona"[/color][/b][/h1][color=DAF6C7]Time:[/color] Night [color=DAF6C7]Location:[/color] Damien Estate Ballroom [color=DAF6C7]Interaction(s):[/color] Shehzadi Nahir [@Rodiak][/center] Lordling Smithwood scurried away, his tail tucked so far up his ass you could barely see it. The sight should’ve filled her with a rush. But it was a hollow victory, and she knew it. Shehzadi Nahir’s presence was the only reason he backed down, not because of what Riona did or said. A stark reminder of the true disparity of their power. Riona’s grip tightened around the bracelet as a heavy weight of impotence settled in her guts. With each pounding beat, the sensation spread, a knife twisting deeper and deeper into her heart. She drew a deep, steadying breath, then flagged down a passing servant. [color=DAF6C7]“Excuse me, a guest is missing a pocket watch, and he found this bracelet.”[/color] Her voice betrayed no emotion as she handed over the jewelry. [color=DAF6C7]“Could you see if anyone is searching for a lost bracelet? And if anyone comes across the missing watch, please see that it is returned to the man wearing a lion’s mask.”[/color] She pointed at the Lordling in the distance. [color=DAF6C7]“Yes, the one who’s laughing like a madman.”[/color] After thanking the servant, he immediately departed on his errand. [color=904342]“Quite a handful, isn't he? Adorable.”[/color] Riona didn’t bother to stifle a groan. [color=DAF6C7]“There… can be a certain charm to childish, even self-centered, behaviors in small, occasional doses, I will grant. But even you would not find him so endearing when it reaches King Edin’s level of petulance.”[/color] She gauged the Shehzadi’s reaction to her not-so-subtle jab at the King. [color=DAF6C7]“It is all good fun to watch from afar. Less so when one is made the brunt of it.”[/color] She noticed the amusement playing across Shehzadi Nahir’s face as she watched the earlier exchange between Riona and Sh*tlord. People did so love a bit of drama, didn’t they? Especially when they could simply sit back and enjoy the show without risking a scratch themselves. Her gaze drifted to Lordling Smithwood who was still cackling for some reason—seriously, what’s wrong with him? Then, back to her dance partner. [color=DAF6C7]“You could do better, My Lady.”[/color] A sigh escaped her. [color=DAF6C7]“Though it would be a great win for him. He would certainly benefit from having a partner as mature as you. I imagine your words would reshape him in a way mine never could.”[/color] That sinking sensation of powerlessness returned. And with it, doubt. … What was she even doing? [i][color=4E0E04]All of this is a distraction. Only one thing matters, and it’s the reason why you still draw breath. Do not forget. Do not falter. Focus.[/color] [color=#4E0E04]B[/color][color=#653424]u[/color][color=#7C5B45]t[/color] [color=#ABA886]I[/color][color=#C2CFA6]—[/color][/i] Shehzadi Nahir’s silken voice cut through Riona’s thoughts. [color=904342]“Well now, will my nameless and lovely dance partner finally introduce herself?”[/color] [color=DAF6C7]“Far be it from me to point it out, My Lady, but you never introduced yourself either.”[/color] The most unladylike smirk appeared on her mouth. [color=DAF6C7]“Since Lord Smithwood offered but one name, Nahir, I will reciprocate and share only part of mine.”[/color] Riona paused for a moment, weighing the risks of it before saying, [color=DAF6C7]“Dantès.”[/color] Riona gracefully dipped into a deep, sweeping curtsy. Her movements were fluid, her back straight and her head held high as she bent at the waist, one foot stepping back to support her weight. [color=DAF6C7]“From House Dantès.”[/color] After a moment, Riona slowly rose. [color=DAF6C7]“You may have gleaned as much already, but I was not officially invited to this party. House Dantès has fallen somewhat out of favor with… certain families. I would be most obliged if you kept the knowledge of my attendance to yourself.”[/color] [hider=TL;DR] Peter disguised himself as a servant, took some gunpowder, and looked through Calbert and Liliane’s things. On his way to the ballroom, he overheard something and hid to eavesdrop. Later, Peter handed off the gunpowder to Kazumin. Riona introduced herself as “Dantès” to Nahir. [@Rodiak][@samreaper][/hider]