[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 11 Sectonia (holding 5 level up) - (92/110) [b]Location:[/b] The Metro [b]Word Count:[/b] 1124 [/center] Sectonia didn't have the time she thought she would in the City of Tears. Everyone was raring to go to another place to relax and she had no time to even fly to the bathhouse, let alone get some time there. Granted the Gerudo's springs were better, so perhaps everyone was waiting for the better place to get all cleaned up. Well, if that was the case, she wouldn't complain about their agreeing taste, but for now they couldn't well travel there dripping wet. While the stag ride was a bit too cramped and fast for a way to dry everyone, the Metro cat in Dirtmouth provided a longer ride. Not wanting herself, or her minions and allies to be soaking wet going into the metro, Sectonia summoned a red antler and used it as an express heat dryer to dry everyone off before they got to the metro. Everyone was free to use the red antler as they saw fit, although they'd have to deal with a quick styling to fix their hair if they wanted, they didn't have infinite time... At least the metro hadn't changed much. Still a bit dirty overall, but a welcome sight from the underground's disgusting asthetic. Although thinking about that, she had taken the source of the underground's infection into herself for power, even if the source itself was quite decent looking. She'd have to see if there were any side effects of her possibly spreading the infection or not, but so far it seems nothing had happened and the effects were reversing. Her standards of beauty perhaps? Well, those were idle thoughts as having been through the Metro once before, Sectonia summoned some of her ice antlers to run around and collect Poms. the Antlers were much bigger than before, so this should make collecting them easier. While Sectonia finished up dispatching her antlers, she noticed something odd. Ms. Fortune, enlivened by the myriad charms of this feline-friendly locale and filled with energy, had been prepping herself for some parkour a minute ago, but now the feral stood still. With her black coat acceptably dry thanks to the red antler's ambient heat, she'd donned it once more, then stared off into the distance, her arms crossed. A change of plans, maybe? Once her minions lumberd off to scrabble together her train fare, Sectonia wound up wondering what to do with herself in the mean time, and in those doldrums Nadia made her move. Ms Fortune approached, her hands in her pockets. Though she could typically be counted upon to face the world with a cordial smile and peppy energy, something about her [url=https://i.imgur.com/lMAkFAu.png]expression[/url] seemed more sly than usual. "Heya, Toni," she greeted the big queen. Even her voice possessed a playful tinge of mischief. "Isn't this place just the cat's pajamas? I mean, I know it might not be your idea of 'beautiful'. But I think there's beauty everywhere, if you know where to look." She pointed down the Metro's main thoroughfare, past the colorful neon lights to a large [url=https://i.imgur.com/1z2T9wt.png]boutique[/url] of expensive brown wood bathed in tasteful white. "Take that place 'fur' instance. Le FĂ©lin. It's a jeweler, purr-etty big-time by the look of it. Why not check it out?" She gestured at the pink crystals that adorned Sectonia's outfit. "Never too much of a good thing, right? Might as well roll the die...mond. Nyehehehe!" Sectonia didn't laugh nor flinch at Nadia's little chitter chatter, even though the mention of a jewellery store was interesting. Sectonia replied [color=92278f]"... You really stretched yourself for that last pun."[/color] Sectonia said cooly. [color=92278f]"But yes, that store could have something interesting. I suppose I'll take a look."[/color] With that, Sectonia made her way to the jewelery store, with Nadia discreetly in tow, the catgirl's plan in motion. Sectonia was unaware of this though, and took the bait by heading into the jewellery store. Unknown to her this store was run by one of the big heads of the Metro, [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581952321546879006/1225581575752650852/Nyakuza_Boss.webp?ex=6621a6c9&is=660f31c9&hm=8d8512cfba1ac21d226fed94bda0cd127a67b623e637e9125931c2433670a40d&]The Empress[/url]. Not knowing or really caring about that, Sectonia approached the counter. Inside the case were various bits of jewelry, most of it was pretty but non magicial, but there were a couple magical ones such as a [url=http://oldschool.runescape.wiki/images/thumb/Amulet_of_magic_detail.png/200px-Amulet_of_magic_detail.png?090cc]sapphire amulet[/url] that increased magic power a bit, a [url=http://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/6/6d/Ring_of_Regen_icon.png/revision/latest?cb=20160530172912]ring with an adorned ruby[/url] that increased regeneration a bit, and a dubious [url=http://oldschool.runescape.wiki/images/thumb/Phoenix_necklace_detail.png/280px-Phoenix_necklace_detail.png?9bcc8]diamond necklace[/url] that says that it'll save its wearer from death once. "Hm... a new customer... Welcome. Anything catch your eye?" The Empress said cooly, only keeping a slight eye on Sectonia. Sectonia browsed the jewellery, from your basic gold rings to your more extravagant gemstudded bands. While she liked jewellery for its looks, the magic ones were what caught her eye. At least until she saw the price at a whopping 4000 poms for a single one, with an exchange rate for gold at near 2 to 1! That made the queen balk a little bit as she knew the magic in these things wasn't THAT strong compared to the price of things she had seen in other places with much stronger items. But this was a jewellery store, so Sectonia had an idea. A trade of sorts. [color=92278f]"I'd be interested in this..."[/color] Sectonia said, pointing at the sapphire amulet of magic. [color=92278f]"And I see you have a lack of gemstone jewellery compared to all of your gold stuff, so how about a trade?"[/color] The Empress wasn't impressed with Sectonia's suggestion, but decided to humor the armored bug. If anything it was a slow day and this was some mild entertainment. Sectonia moved out of the establishment to conjure her giant crystal platform, a deep ruby red. The platform was quite large, pre cut, and what Sectonia was going to offer for trade. She had tried this once before with no luck, and this time would be no different. While not expecting this bug to make a huge crystal like that, the Empress wasn't one to be upstaged, nor give in to anyone she had power over as was this case. "And how am I supposed to make use of that? Its far too large, and was that made by magic? its barely worth more than glass." This lead to a bit of an argument between the two prideful ladies, Sectonia pointing out that beauty was beauty and this was brilliant while the Empress was having fun getting what would be a ground shattering deal over this large bauble. Still though, an argument was an argument, and the pride of both of these ladies wouldn't let them actually come to an agreement and after some heated words and long arguments, Sectonia shattered her gem platform and left in a huff leaving the area covered in a ruby dust.