[center][h2]Steven Yu[/h2][h3]??? — Dirt Road[/h3][/center] Blue skies. A gentle breeze. The feeling of grass and rough dirt at his back. If the last memory in Steven's mind hadn't been the terrifying acceptance of death before he blacked out, the young man might have presumed everything he was feeling right now to be a dream. In a sense, it could have been nothing [i]but[/i] an illusion—a hastily-conjured construct of his mind desperate to shield him from the inevitable fact that his life had come to an end. But here he was, feeling things too lifelike to be simply delusions borne of desperation—never mind if that was even possible to begin with, of course. With a groan, Steven pushed himself off the ground into a seated position as he attempted to process the situation as it was now. He was here, in a wholly unfamiliar land, and given the way his surroundings looked there seemed to be no sign of any plane wreckage at all. There were a few others nearby who had yet to awaken, though obscured by the tall grass around him—maybe he could question them once they did?—but this entire situation [i]reeked[/i] of cliche. That [i]also[/i] meant that it was a good a time as any to try that all-important, ever-embarrassing test that was mandatory to perform at times like these. "...Status." Contrary to his expectations, Steven found himself staring at a tried-and-true menu with a thoroughly anachronistic look to it compared to the world around him popping in front of his face. Thereupon the young man took his time staring at the details, only to then realize that there was something [i]strange[/i] about the race section. In his haste to check, the young man sprung upwards and glanced behind himself, only to notice that there was indeed a massive fox tail flitting behind him. There was also the matter of the new clothes he was only now realizing had replaced his old tried-and-true t-shirt and slacks, but really, those were but a drop in the bucket of things he had realized over the last few minutes. "Well, uh... Guess being dropped into another world is better than being dead," he mumbled to himself before brushing what he could off of his clothes and tail (which was a strange sensation unto itself) and crossing his arms. As things were now, the logical thing to do would be to try and follow the road in some direction or another... But with the others here with him, it seemed rather unbecoming of him to do anything [i]but[/i] make sure that they were okay. If they were in the same boat—or, well, plane—than he was in, then any amount of company would be good company. "Hey, wake up!" he called out, slowly walking over to those still lying prone on the ground. "Nothing good's going to come lying about... Or something like that." [@Raineh Daze][@Sir Lurksalot] [hr][center][h3]??? — Ruined Inn(?)[/h3][/center] Where one would have expected the sounds and sights of a town full of life in the middle of the day, these four who had been given new life would find themselves in a rather odd set of circumstances. Each would awaken in an inn room of their own that had seen better days; though their beds were stiff and the air was stale, the rooms themselves seemed to be in perfect condition otherwise. Who knew when they had last seen human use, though. Peering out the windows would reveal a city nearly devoid of life, save for what seemed to be a few beings in metal armor that seemed to be limping around the streets for some reason or another. A keen eye might have noticed a few [i]bones[/i] and rusted metal armaments lying about on the streets, but anything more would require further investigation. Those choosing to open their doors would find that they did still function as intended, if not a bit more noisily than they might have in the past. All led into the same hallway, of course, but how these visitors from another world would react to their new circumstances remailed to be seen. [@VitaVitaAR][@RolePlayerRoxas][@Aku the Samurai][@SilverPaw] [hr][center][h3]??? — Dilapidated Shack[/h3][/center] To call the place where these three souls ended up a "house" might have been a bit generous, to put things lightly. Though spacious enough to allow all three of those present a place to wake up from their slumber, the state of the building made it feel more akin to waking up after camping outside with improvised materials at best. A quick glance outside would reveal that they were surrounded by much of the same. Though people were trying to go about their lives, the shoddily-constructed buildings that stretched and wrapped around the area did not by any means speak favorably to the situation of the residents therein... Or what such a thing held in store for those here now. [@ERode][@Zeroth][@TheMushroomLord] [hr][center][h3]??? — ???[/h3][/center] The sound of water dripping down from the ceiling would be the sole noise heralding this group into the world. The odd presence of a small meadow no more than a meter wide in what was unmistakably a cavern would be an uncanny thing to witness in and of itself, but at the very least it meant that the four resting here would not wake up against cold stone. There was only one way out—a small cavern leading into what had to be a wider cavern than what they had been brought into—but whether it was a good idea to explore the area without proper planning was another matter altogether. [@Crusader Lord][@Thunder999999][@Crimson Paladin][@Expendable] [hr][center][h3]??? — Forest Shrine[/h3][/center] Betwixt verdant trees that gave cover to the wildlife below lay a small shrine, long since reclaimed by nature. The roof of the build had since collapsed inward, and grass and flowers grew where the light filtered in from above. Here, in this stone ruin forgotten by time, stood a broken statue. Whatever it had been mattered little, specially since the worn marble that had once composed it had since crashed to the floor into broken chunks. In the middle of it all was a small pedestal, raised ever so slightly off the ground. Those who had found themselves here lay upon it as they slept, silent and unknowing as the world continued ever onward around them. [@Rin][@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99]