[h2]Bianca Armstrong, World's Daintiest Healer|??? — Ruined Inn(?)[/h2] Man, it really figures that death was what it took to get the best rest she's had in way too long. The blonde young woman slowly sat up from the stiff bed, stretching her arms above her head with a grunt. The bed felt terrible to lie on, but hey, it apparently did its' job, hard to complain there. Feeling this well-rested was practically a foreign concept to Bianca now, what was she supposed to do with this energy? Swinging her legs towards the floor, she rose with a slight hope, looking around the... hotel(?) room curiously. Obviously, her bosses wouldn't shell out for any kind of fancy accomodation, but this place felt really..weird. She wandered over to the window and peered outside, trying to recall when she would have arrived in the city to begin with. Evidently, Bianca had yet to let the realisation truly click in her mind, despite vividly recalling the terrific shaking she endured, the awful noises... "...Oh." Barely even paying attention to the apparent-knights walking the lifeless streets, Bianca stumbled back, prodding at her own face in amazement, her arms, looking down at her... new clothes? It was hard to assess without a mirror, but the blonde hair framing her face was definitely new, too. Freaky. Was she given a total makeover after she went to sleep or something?! Was it the afterlife, perhaps?! The situation was a total mystery for the young woman, who in her previous life had very little experience with stories of this genre. But where could she find answers to this situation? There wasn't much else to see in this room, aside from that fancy big hammer propped against a wall. It was... surprisingly light in her grip, easily raising it above her head, then resting it across her shoulder. Maybe it was just a prop? Well, it felt right in her hands, so might as well keep it with her for now. "Okay, guess I'll go speak to the... manager or something?" Bianca decided. Surely someone must have checked her in, right? Usually, she'd feel some reluctance, but Bianca could only grin as she wrestled the door open. With hammer in hand, she strode out to the hall, feeling ready to take on the world with her newfound energy.