[hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][center] [B][Color=00ffff]Location: [/color][/b]It's a trap! [B][Color=00ffff]Skills/Powers: [/color][/b]Machine 'physiology', data gathering and analysis [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b]N/A[/center][hr]As the group loaded inside, Victoria morosely noticed the Framework's operating system seemed to correct her efforts. She was about to try to return, when the scene shifted into a retro pixelated mess and 8bit music that felt like someone was grinding a lego brick through her auditory receptors. And to top it all off- [color=00ffff][i]Am I a green f****** dinosaur?! Edward, what did I [b]just[/b] say?![/i][/color] Others started to make heads or tails of the fact that they were in an old, and very high stakes, Mario game. Alas, the much more important fact was that Zari did not materialize. [I][color=00ffff]Okay. That is the easiest way out barred. I suppose it's up to me to try and clean up a mess [b]my guy[/b] made.[/color][/i] At the last thought, she took a second to calm down her bubbling anger. Not spotting Ed's trachery was yet another failure on her part. All it would have taken was perhaps being aware of other people's pulse, spikes in temperature and pupil dilation, something her senses could do easily, and she could tell when she was being lied to. Why didn't she? To protect the privacy of others. That care was rapidly evaporating the longer she stayed in this institute. Maybe the people of Earth could only be dragged to safety and prosperity kicking and screaming. But first, this. Walking over, she tapped Leah and Mads on the shoulders, as the two of them were in the know about her. [Color=00ffff]"Hey. Looks like Mr. Arca blocked Zari off so that she doesn't shut him down immediately, but he seems to have forgotten about my hacking attempt from our first training. I'll see what I can do about getting us out of this mess, I'd appreciate some cover and Arca's eyes being pointed elsewhere. Keep in mind that Usagi threw more shit at us as we beaten it though, so try to keep the taunting to manageable level?"[/color] [hider=Roll request]Attempt to gain any level of access to either Ed's program or the Framework to improve their situation, such as: - Checking if there are any valid victory conditions - Restoring lives to players - Safely shutting the program down - Restoring the Framework safeties - Freeing Zari from prison - Locking out Ed's controls Calling supercomputer trait.[/hider]