"And looking good for it, don't you think?" He chuckled, reaching over for his now cooled down coffee and taking a sip. [i]"And another question, cause I think I heard about you on the television one year while I was still living in America. Are you that Doctor that...oh what was her name...Harriet? I can't remember her last name but anyways, are you that same man she had been searching for?"[/i] As Dani asked him the questions, he felt a rush of guilt and grief begin to bundle in his hearts. Harriet Jones had took her own life so the Doctor could live merely a couple of weeks ago, before he'd had to say a tragic goodbye to Donna. He let out a low, deep sigh, closing his eyes for a couple of seconds before responding. "Yes, that was me," The Doctor replied bleakly, holding the coffee cup tightly in both hands. "I'm the Doctor. 'Thee' Doctor. The Time Lord from a planet called Gallifrey."