[CENTER][h1][u]Stargaze[/u][/h1][/CENTER] Shieldwing was right. Upon hearing that Stargaze had caused Kyte's left wing became overdeveloped, she felt guilty. Was it better to just leave it as it was? Kyte was sure to get bullied like she was....! She looked up to Shieldwing when he spoke up saying that it wasn't going to be a problem. She listened to him speak, and after he posed his question, she nods and answered, "[b]Ri-Right! You're right, Shieldwing,[/b]" She then whispered to Shieldwing when attention was off her, "[b]Thank you, Shieldwing,[/b]" Stargaze listened as the other dragons spoke with each other, and soon attention was brought to Coryn. She speaks up, "[b]I'd like to go and check on Coryn too,[/b]" She hoped that she could help Coryn as well.