Hey folks! I'm Oathmaker; a pleasure. [hider=About me] -I'm situated in CST, but I'm totally fine with any and all time zones. Some of my favorite partners have been in the UK! -Like many of you, I work full-time and have personal obligations (i.e.: family lol). All that to say that my post frequency can vary a LOT. When I'm traveling for work, I might be able to post two times a day due to me being stationary; when I'm at home, I might only post two to three times a week if that. I will be super communicative about how things are going and I'd appreciate it if you can do the same. -I tend to write, on average, two to three paragraphs. I won't write more for the sake of more, though, so if our charries are in the middle of a battle scene, there might not be more than a paragraph depending on context...or there might be a wall of text lol. Just depends on what the story calls for. -I avoid writing out anything beyond fade to black; I'm just not good at it. -I tend to get up to PG-13 in my writing with some dabbling in borderline R-rated stuff, but again, depends on the context and if the story calls for it. -I LOVE world building and brainstorming, so please don't hesitate to plan with me! That's half the fun. I love it when partners throw in their own twists, turns, etc as well, so don't be afraid to do that as well (obviously don't kill my character unless we talk about it lol). [/hider] [hider=The good stuff] I've got several loose ideas below in different fandoms as well as an original world that I'm building out for a campaign I hope to run in the future. Feel free to pick something you like here or shoot me an idea you have. The pairings below have roles you can pick from unless I've designated something I'm really craving to play. Idea 1: Fandom: Star Wars-Old Republic timeframe Premise: A young Jedi Knight is plagued by visions of a horrific war between Jedi factions instigated by a mastermind Sith that has infiltrated the ranks of the Order. Across the galaxy, a young Sith Inquisitor is also tormented by visions, except roles are reversed. When these two eventually happen upon each other's presence on Nar Shaddaa during conflicting operations, they both sense that they share a bond...but to what end? And which visions are to be believed, if either? And most importantly, what is the Force trying to tell them? Idea 2: Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Premise: With the Elder Brain defeated and Baldur's Gate rebuilding from the chaos that the Chosen Three would have inflicted on the Sword Coast, the heroes of Faerun have all but disappeared from the limelight thanks to the relative peace that has come over the land. Yet, a traveller to Baldur's Gate stumbles upon a series of carved runes arranged in a circle, each with a mysterious symbol on them. In the center of the circle lies a bloodied heap of a person, their life essence barely clinging to their corporeal form. What happened to this pour soul? What are these runes? Idea 2a: Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Premise: With the Elder Brain defeated, the half-Elf Nuvyen [MC] and his love, Shadowheart [YC], seek solitude in the northern part of the Coast. Just a few months pass by until a bloodied note posted on their door reminds them both that Shar is still watching, hungering for the power that Shadowheart innately has within her. The note simply states: "Return to where you were born". Idea 3: Fandom: Persona 5 Premise: Seven years have gone by. Seven boring, drudgery filled years that saw the eventual drifting of the Phantom Thieves. A few remain in some contact, but for the most part, life rent their once formidable bond apart. Ren [MC], the former leader of the Thieves, has settled into a entry level software developer position for a mid-level tech company in Osaka, where Morgana still dwells with him in their cramped apartment and reminds Ren about once a week that he was very stupid for letting his relationship with Ann [YC] drift to the point where they hadn't spoken in at least five years. One dreary evening, Ren receives a text from an unknown number that invites him to a cafe and promises to tell him something that the "leader of the Thieves" should know. [/hider]