[center][h1][color=#00ff66]Jase the Assassin[/color][/h1] [h2]??? — ???[/h2][/center] [hr] Jase resisted the urge to respond in Spanish. It was unfortunate that they didn't have anything to carry some water with them as they left their stony womb. (what else do you call a room that birthed you?) Jase used a rock to try and scrape the walls as they went, but it wasn't much success. And now they found a dimly lit alcove with a chest and weird holes in the wall. "'Come into my parlor'," Jase intoned, frowning at the setup, "'Said the spider to the fly.'" Still, the chest offered some hope that food or something else useful could be found inside, so he was loathe to bypass it. "Unless someone knows how to make a light, I suggest we try gathering some of that moss in the last cave and bring it in here to see if we can find any tripwires. Or don't they have traps in isekais?" he intoned. He'd finally seen his status panel, but this idea that you'd die and be brought to a fantasy world just seem so much wish-fulfillment, like the guys who prepare for attacks from zombies. Still, it was much more attractive than waiting around on a cloud for eternity. Without tools, picking the lock wasn't an option, they'd have to force the chest open. And who knows what sort of trap whoever left this chest might have set to protect it? [@Crusader Lord][@Thunder999999][@Crimson Paladin]