Hello fellow gays and gamers I’m gonna chuck another villain into the mix Sorrel Geiger He used to be an activist popular on social media, known for his environmental advocacy and his human rights and the intersectionality between those. He was an extremely outspoken voice for these issues, and most of his commentary ends with a signature phrase— “you [i]should[/i] be angry.” He calls out corruption everywhere he can sense it, in society itself with topics of climate change, in corrupt politics, in shady businesses who only care about themselves— everywhere he can reach, he will at least [i]try[/i] to. He’s held, attended, and led many protests both on human rights and on environmental conservation (before the incident, that is) and he’s even been arrested a few times due to his protests and passion for standing up for what is right. During a protest, he and the rest of a group raided a nuclear power facility that was polluting important water sources and damaging the environment, with the goal of having that facility shut down or stalled for the sake of the people and animals living in the area and the workers being exposed to awful and unsafe conditions that will cause them illness. The specific facility is famously poor,y built and poorly run, using mostly exploited and underpaid labor, and made by a corrupt private company wanting a hand in the growing nuclear power industry. As Sorrel led the front, a guard threw him into the fucking water of the reactor. He should’ve died, right? Right? Nope. He came out with glowing green eyes, greenish hair, and white patches of skin similar to vitiligo. Thst was also the moment when he decided that the new civilization he wanted would only be achieved through building on the ashes of the current one, seeing how corruption ran so deep that it had its hold on the very people it was hurting. He’s now responsible for the murders of many politicians and CEOs, and he’s laid many expansion and construction projects to ruin and grow dense forests from those ashes— all to make the world better. All so the politicians and businessmen can’t brainwash people to causing more harm, and human development takes a better path— and, maybe, just maybe, sorrel could fish the beauty of the world out of the rot he keeps having to trod in. So uh He’s got a hideout in the abandoned shipyard close to where the nuclear reactor used to be, where he reclaimed the land and turned it into a thick and hostile jungle, and lots of people live in the same hideout. Think firelights hideout from arcane energy! And while he still needs more development, I def see him with a multi-use radiation-based power from all the radiation he absorbed. This power can be used to force plants to grow quickly, to like 3d burn-zap people out of their life subscription, stuff like that. He’s still in the process of studying his own power and trying not to die himself from the repercussions, being extremely sick since that accident because he literally absorbed [i]tons of radiation[/i] and should Not Be Alive but here he is as a mutant/metahuman! TLDR villain who thinks he’s doing the right thing for humanity because that would be fun to build up