[@CorviDoggo] [img]https://media.tenor.com/W1rFq3FQZoIAAAAM/table-slap-shura.gif[/img] THIS!! This is what I'm looking for!!! The origin story! The drive! The complexity! The power to drawback pull and balance! [img]https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D12AQFEo1E2yKvM8g/article-cover_image-shrink_600_2000/0/1579732587618?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=lnGlYgYt7ekB3LhdrPUGgbYmUEHqIpn-kCMzkoI-62c[/img] I love him, and his bitter view of the world would pair so well with Li's own bitterness. I can see them clashing, but also agreeing on a lot of things. Li would honestly support him and probably secretly be part of his online cult, he's just not loud about it or making crazy gestures or anything. I love that he has anti-hero energy. but he's decidedly not a hero. A lot of anti-heroes still act as heroes in the end, helping people and doing what's socially right. But this guy, naw, he's eating up the villain role like candy while still presenting himself as a hero in his own mind. I love this so much. Li would pester him so much about his mutation and radiation and probably ask if he can mutate him to have powers or something. I'm feeling a lot from this guy and he's stirring up a lot of ideas 👀