Roxy snorted when Wyn stated him was leaving an impression. She would never admit it but that's exactly what he was doing. He confused her. She shook her head when he called her shadow. If only he knew. She supposed it didn't matter. That life wasn't open to her anymore. She would have to figure out a new life for herself bit first things first. She had to secure her freedom. "Snart in some way but not so smart in others." Roxy clarified. He was definitely more educated than she was. After he had been in college but he hadn't much real world knowledge. He probably hadnt even lived on his own yet. "Running isn't a defense." She told him. Although technically that was what she was doing. Unfortunately it was the only option she had. "Naps are for children. I'll sleep once we stop. If you want to take over I guess this is as good of a place as any." She pointed to the sign for the Stateline. There was a small area there for people to park and take pictures.