[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240318/ed07ef29c0411f1b064478dccdcd2520.png[/img][/center] Any hope that Julia could get through this night whithout that Black Maria bastard spotting her were shattered when, upon checking back after he'd entered, their eyes met, and Julia's head snapped back to the front. Well, he'd seen her. She didn't doubt he recognised her. They crossed paths enough times. He'd grown a beard, she had a lot more scars and they'd both started going grey, but you don't forget the face of one of your nemeses. She tried to calm down when he appeared to ignore her and sit at the other end of the club. Maybe the desire to avoid each other was mutual. After all, surely this was a coincidence. Xiang seemed too popwerful to be in Black Maria's pocket. It wasn't that Julia trusted her too much to entertain the thought that Xiang may have ratted her out. She was still a relative stranger. It's that Xiang didn't seem like the type to operate like that. She probably had her own guys. Didn't seem like the blonde lady's style to do something like this. Their drinks arrived, along with a chilled bottle of red wine. The robot waitress made a point to specify that the 'gentleman in black' had ordered it for this table. Red wine, huh? Julia was starting to calm down now that her fight or flight response was assured she wasn't in danger of catching a bullet, or worse. This was, however, an annoying addition to her evening. Her expression turned from fear to irritation as she clicked her tongue. [color=7893E7]"I'm fine, don't worry."[/color] Julia reassured her new friend with an unconvincing, fleeting smile. [color=7893E7]"I'm afraid I have to catch up with an old friend. Excuse me."[/color] Julia hadn't invited Xiang to come with her, but she hadn't told her not to either, as she left the wine in the ice bucket, and downed her cocktail in one gulp. It tasted sour and fruity going down, but left a cloyingly sweet aftertaste in her mouth. She made her way across the club's floor and over to Remo's table, where she sat down at the free seat. [color=7893E7]"It's been a while,"[/color] Julia greeted dryly, with a nervous smile. [color=7893E7]"Never thought we'd be in a situation like this. So, how can I help you, Don Remo? Congratualiions on the promotion, by the way."[/color] [@Kumbaris][@Thayr]