[center] [img]https://imgur.com/IYihMs5.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjg4LjdhYmJmZi5UR0Y1YkdFZ1NIbGhZMmx1ZEdoMWN3LjA/sabrina-destiny.regular.webp[/img][/center] [color=gray][i]Kari's House[/i][/color] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] Ken, Edict ([@AtomicEmperor]), the PRA [b]Direct Dialogue:[/b] Clancy [@Zombiedude101]), Linqian ([@FernStone]), Stormy ([@Blizz]).[/sub] [hr][hr][center][hider=8 Graves - OK][youtube]https://youtu.be/AwkF2gNHSrE?si=F51Db6d-Ik-ksjDV[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr][hr] [quote=Clancy]"If you can remember not to fight like a bunch of high school kids, maybe you'll get something done this time.”[/quote] The door banging open to reveal none other than a kid brought back a lot of memories for Layla. Unpleasant memories. None of which were her own. All of them were Void's, except the last one. The late Void… She wondered how much pain he'd been in, after she slept. [color=gray]herfaultherfaultherfault…[/color] Layla gritted her teeth, pushing the pain down, trying to focus. [color=gray]fuckithurts…[/color] The time she was adjoined to Void, she had seen this kid in his memories. She had also seen him in the burned church. The church that the [i]PRA[/i] had burned down. Flashes in her mind. The admiration Void had circling the child, the child's bloodied hands. The smell of gunpowder and strike of a hammer as the child had fallen, presumed dead. Seeing the child again, looking down from the beams, the child- The child knew something. Didn't they? [color=7ABBFF][b]“...My friend saw you with blood on your hands. You seem to get into your own fair share of scraps.”[/b][/color] A pause. [color=7ABBFF][b]“Who were you fighting with?”[/b][/color] She listened to Linqian, especially the bit where only some of them were friends, and the pain in her chest subsided a bit. It seemed Linqian had her own fair share of pain in this coven. Linqian, her dear friend, brought closer to her through Mr. Devola's influence. [color=7ABBFF][b]“You speak the truth, Jee-ah jee.”[/b][/color] [quote=Stormy][color=00ff98]"Was he at the church before it burned down? Did anyone happen to ask him what he's doing here?"[/color][/quote] Layla felt nothing but utter disgust at just [i]hearing[/i] Stormy's voice. He had leashed Void, and was part of the guilty party. He made Void too weak to fight back, to protect himself from the pain of getting stabbed and murdered. And now Void was dead. Layla’s emotions flared, eyes glinting red. [color=7ABBFF][b]“Yes.”[/b][/color] A grinding of the teeth. [color=7ABBFF][b]“Yes, the kid was there. Just like how [i]Void[/i] was there too.”[/b][/color] Layla overheard Ken calling for shots, but she ignored it, accusatory eyes never leaving Stormy. She wanted badly to reach out and slap the professor, scratch the eyes out of his face. This translated to a slight tremor taking over her body as she rigidly stood there, glaring. She listened as the boy answered Stormy first, clipped and to the point. She allowed a half-smirk at that. [i]No wonder Void liked him.[/i] [hr] [center][img]https://imgur.com/LaKV12v.png[/img] [img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/z8xjG/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjoxODMsInciOjI4MTMsImZzIjo2NSwiZmdjIjoiI0ZFRkVGRSIsImJnYyI6IiMwMDAwMDAiLCJ0IjoxfQ/QWlzbGluIFJvc2U/darlington-demo.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][i]Kari's House[/i][/color] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b]Britney ([@Punished GN]), Sloane ([@Atrophy]), Linqian ([@FernStone]), Amara ([@Blizz]) [b]Direct Dialogue:[/b] Ken ([@AtomicEmperor]), Sully ([@Atrophy]), everyone present[/sub] [hr][hr][center][hider=Seven Lions - Days to Come][youtube]https://youtu.be/y1hWi-vgoaU?si=qIJaVyqAvi5OeZX6[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr][hr] Aislin grimaced at Britney, Sloane and Linqian. All three sounded like they needed to de-stress. Maybe take a toke. She didn't know. But everyone had just arrived, and they were already getting riled up? She could only sadly shake her head, and turn her attention back to Sully. Sully made her forget all that, and put the smile back on her face. She remembered their shenanigans back in the day. The Chalice and bud parties that just simmered everyone out. Good times. [quote=Sully][color=goldenrod]“Oh shit, right I gotchu girl,”[/color][/quote] Aislin watched the Chalice fill up. The same that she had dreamed about. [i]So curious.[/i] Relief flooded her system as Sully lifted it to her lips, and she let him feed her. The healing elixir within was pleasant to the palate. The most easily swallowed medicine that existed in the world, to which she was grateful. As she drank, she felt her collarbone shift ever-so-slightly, moving to the correct positions, spider-like fractures mending over. The whole area grew hot with healing magic,but not unpleasantly so. Slightly itchy. But itchiness was always a sign of healing. She finished the contents of the Chalice, waiting for Sully to take it away. Her closed eyes peeped up at him, and she saw the most distant look on his face. [i]Was he okay?[/i] Sully coughed and removed the Chalice, to which Aislin grateful smiled. [b]”Thank you, Sully. You saved me weeks of pain…”[/b] She chuckled as she trailed off, rubbing the back of her neck. A quick roll of her shoulder told her the spot was completely healed. Heck, it may have been in a better position than how she was a week ago. She slipped her arm free of the sling, smiling wide. Before she could move towards the opened door and start the investigation, Sully pulled her back. She looked up at him, a little surprised. Sully wanted to talk to her? [i]The[/i] Sully? [quote=Sully][color=goldenrod]“Hey, wait! What kind of trouble did you get into the other day? A biker didn’t jump you looking for Tayla too, did he?”[/color][/quote] Aislin blinked, recounting her time at the Halloween Festival. A sheepish smile spread across her face. [b]“Ahh, it was real dumb of me. Aryin got in trouble with [i]George[/i] from 8th, of all people. I uh, [i]tried[/i] to intervene, but. Uhm.”[/b] It was hard to avoid his eyes, being pinned in a friendly half-hug. She couldn't hide how embarrassed she was that she'd got hurt over something she could have easily avoided. [b]“I tried to tackle him at a mile a minute, and cracked my shoulder good.”[/b] Her gaze lifted at the mention of a biker, and she stared curiously, searching Sully's gaze. [b]“Tayla? No. Is Tayla okay?”[/b] Her gaze narrowed.[b] “Are you okay?”[/b] Her fist playfully punched her palm, an enthusiastic expression overtaking her. [b]“Whoever it is, I'll teach ‘em not to mess with ma crew!”[/b] [quote=Ken][color=7B81B3]"Sully!? Put the [i]fucking[/i] cup away, my friend!”[/color][/quote] Aislin's face immediately crumpled, and her hands fell limply to her sides. [b]“Ken?”[/b] He was mad. Listening to him, it was understandable, but she couldn't help the uncomfortable pit in her stomach. Had [i]she[/i] done something wrong? That was when Ken burst into tears. He turned towards them. [quote=Ken][color=7B81B3]"Sorry, sorry... About what I said. It's still nice to see you all; and you Aislin. I... I think Kari maybe would've thought this was funny at some point.”[/color][/quote] Aislin quietly slipped out from under Sully's shoulder to give Ken a gentle hug. [b]“Nice to see you too, warrior. Now stop crying, you’re gonna make me cry.”[/b] As Ken attempted to make a joke with Amara, Aislin shifted her small bag to be set down in front of her, and she sifted through its contents. She procured from it a small bong, bottle of water, and a grinder. She filled the bong with water, grinded up some bud she had stored in the grinder fresh like, and pulled out a lighter. Ken motioned for everyone to take a shot from Sully as Aislin stood, party bong heaping with a dollop of bud enough for at least five or six of them to take a hoot off of. [b]“How about a shot and a toke? Ease everyone's nerves and make this more enjoyable.”[/b] She waggled her eyebrows at the group, holding the bong and lighter up. She took the first hit, holding the smoke in her lungs until she coughed like a chain smoker. With a mischievous, albeit slightly pained smirk, she passed the bong and lighter over to Ken. [b]“Pass it around, a toke to remember them.”[/b]