The boys all got up and ran to the room and stopped behind Scarlet to see that Ash was indeed gone. Carth cursed softly as he made his way to the door leading out of the house. Maltoran looked to Carth. "Where are you going Carth?" "We gotta meet her at the gate or before she gets there. She got a head-start on us. If we don't leave now, we maybe too late despite the condition she's in." Carth explained before leaving. Running toward the gate to hopefully catch up to her. "He has a point. We should spread out and search for her. If there is trouble we send a signal of some sort to try and get each other's attention." Altoron explains. The others nod before leaving. Kanarus stopped to look to Scarlet before leaving himself. Two of the Assassin's took to the rooftops while Kanarus took to the near empty streets. "Ash! Ash!" Shouted, though it may not work call out to her, it was worth a try.