[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/26457d2a-5caa-48d7-8969-200545642918.png[/img][/center] As the others introduced themselves, the lavender-colored slime's gaze shifted to his soon-to-be coworkers as they introduced themselves, his form dripping a little bit from his nervousness, the small drops of goo scattered on the floor beneath him. Once the cat lady stepped back into place, whom he thought would be a good idea to stay a bit away from despite the fact they have a common area of work, he stepped up to introduce himself. [color=lavender]"Hello... My name's Sora! Uhm... I'm [i]also[/i] in cleaning, but mainly the rooms and laundry..."[/color] He nervously glances at Miss DeeDee as he says/gurgles this, his voice still clear through the fluid filter, if not soft and quiet, dripping a little as time flows on. [color=lavender]"I-I know I'm really goopy, but I'm really good at hugs! "[/color] He decided to leave it at that, stepping back before falling backward with the sudden appearance of the disembodied voice. [hr] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/65a04d3b-1040-460a-8d2f-cb2d679e6f8f.png[/img][/center] Cythena chuckles lightly at the appearance of the ghost, turning to the insubstantial form of the woman. [color=662d91]"Come on, you don't have to scare the hatchlings, Anna... But yes, this lot will be helping us from now on. I feel they'll do wonderfully in getting this place back on its feet."[/color] She then turned to her new employees, eyes sparking as if she were looking deep into a hoard of brilliant gems and piles of gold. Her new hoard, even if it wasn't by material wealth or knowledge, she looked forward to the path that lay unwritten before them... The shrill ringing sound of a bell came from the lobby beyond the door of the staff room, the first customer in a while.[color=662d91]"Well then, looks like we get to see you in action sooner than I thought! We have your first customer, Anna could you do me a favor and play receptionist for this one?"[/color] [@Wayward][@Girlie Go Boom][@cyberhead][@Zer0Solution][@Sunny Suzuki][@shagranoz]