[center][h3][color=aqua]Bardulf[/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LqjmDBo.png[/img] [color=aqua] [b]Time:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Morning[/color] [b]Location:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]North Pass Cottage[/color] [b]Interaction:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Masako [@dreamingflowers], Mister Luum [@FunnyGuy], Zeva [@Pink Khione], Rue [@Potter], and Bowyn [@Helo][/color] [hider=Equipment]80 amas, Heirloom Halberd, cloak, set of leather armor/clothes, Winter clothes, 50 steel ball bearings, animal trap, net, darksight glasses, and 30 ft of rope [/hider] [/color] [/center] [center] Quite a bit had happened in the time from Bardulf's ship journey until their landfall in North Pass. He spent some time getting to know his new warforged friend - ideally finding out more about her curious story and sharing minute details of his own. He offered a slight of comfort if he could provide such a thing, because he knew the pain of losing ones children. Or rather, being forcibly separated from them. The sommber news continued, as they reached the snowy north and immediately there was a loud broadcast showcasing the corpse of a recently felled human. Bardulf's expression remained stoic, but internally he found himself despising this harsh regime that encouraged harsh killing. Not only that, they paraded it as if it was an accomplishment; the entire notion left a pit in the man's stomach. He would only raise the cowl on his cloak and slink into the back of the group as they traveled - hoping to avoid any detection and gain a similar fate as the water-based human. He could only find solace in the cold snow that reminded him of home - which even then brought its own melancholy feeling of nostalgia. However, as his thoughts waivered and his attention dissociated, the group arrived at their new temporary home. Bardulf's attention snapped forward and he took in the sight - yet again feeling a reminiscent feeling within his chest. For the first time in awhile - it felt like he was back home. He would walk in front of the group and gently brush his fingers along the wooden railing of the porch. [color=aqua]"Just like home."[/color] He would say as he made his way inside. The following night was restless, and Bardulf did his best to stay in the corner but the night terrors would make him stir and murmur. Sights of twisted bears attacking the group, or dark elves assailing their new sanctuary, or even the sight of King Zanithel's twisted smile seemed to haunt Bardulf until he finally drifted into a blank and dreamless sleep. Then came Mister Luum's speech. He looked around and decided that if anyone were to be the ones he would make "happy", it would be this new group of his. Starting with Zeva, who made for quite the eccentric shivering popsicle in her current state. Bardulf stood up and draped his thick cloak over the elf, and with a sheepish tone he uttered out an offer. [color=aqua]"Perhaps...I could lend you this? For now. I could hunt some deer for a few pelts if you'd like."[/color] Bardulf stepped back quickly and gave her space to accept or reject either offer, and then addressed Mister Luum. [color=aqua]"I can also hunt game for profit. Already know how because of my time back home - and this environment would be fairly standard during our winters."[/color] Standing out in the open, Bardulf couldn't help but feel slightly naked without his cloak. The night clothes he chose to wore hung loosely around the mans surprisingly chisled physique. Despite his age, the years of hunting and physical labor did wonders for his body - giving the man a slender yet powerful muscular build. His hair hung down to his shoulders, and the facial hair around his face had begun to grow into a small beard. All these details had been very hidden up to this point due to Bardulf's reclusive nature, but the stark difference in appearance made the man begin to nervously rub his arm as if he felt the group looking at him. [/center]