[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240224/e90f3d2eabd96c2979e08e69ed37301b.png[/img][/center] [center]Mentions: [@Wayward][@BigPapaBelial][/center] Hotshot rubbed his eyes in the dim light of Mak0's hideaway. The tiny room had no windows and the walls were thick enough to block the Skynet signal; making it impossible to tell just how much time he and his benefactor had spent pouring over MCPD surveillance footage. So far, following Rotor's movements prior to his death. He'd somehow managed to keep a low profile despite the usual brash and loud persona Hotshot and multiple Burners were accustomed to. The cell boss was starting to wonder if this little trip was going to yield any results. Mak0 had abandoned the task in favor of working on the Rip Current. Leaving the room for his 'workshop' the Shark slipped through a hidden door against the back wall. All Hotshot could hear was a string of various machine noises broken by the odd curse in a distorted tone. With little else to do, he turned his attention back to another surveillance video. This particular feed was Rotor on his daily beat. While Afterburn preferred the rooftops, members like Rotor and Saturnine would often descend to the city floor in the hopes of picking up jobs or the occasional credits. Onscreen, Rotor was loitering in his preferred alleyway. It looked like practically nothing until something caught Hotshot's attention. [color=crimson][i]"Mak0! I need you in here!"[/i][/color] A few moments later, the hidden door slid open and the shark mask popped out. The electronic eyes studied Hotshot carefully. [i]"I take it you found something?"[/i] Hotshot pointed to the feed in question. While Rotor stood leaning against the wall, the camera made out the faintest trace of a distortion next to his body. Exactly the size of an adult human. [color=crimson][i]"What do you think? System glitch or have we found our potential client?"[/i][/color] Mak0 eyed the feed and brought it to the main monitor on the wall. He shook his head. [i]"Highly unlikely it's a glitch. The cameras are about the only thing the city tries to keep up to date. MCPD and the Heirs love having their eyes and ears on everyone."[/i] The Pack member furiously typed away on a keyboard yet - no matter what was hit - the blur refused to change. [i]"That's definitely an AR cloak. I haven't seen something this difficult to hack through in a long time. If I can't do it, then you have two prime suspects. Someone from the Pack using a homebrewed gadget..."[/i] [color=crimson][i]"... or an Heir got some new toys and they REALLY want this quiet,"[/i][/color] said Hotshot finishing the thought. [color=crimson][i]"Not the smallest pool to work with, but that does narrow it down. I trust you'll keep working on this for me?"[/i][/color] Hotshot turned to leave when Mak0 placed the Rip Current on the table. [i]"I'll do what I can, but if I can't hack past that, then you may be SOL, my friend. Although there may be one Pack member who has more advanced tech than I do. I'll have to call in a favor..."[/i] Before Hotshot could ask, Mak0 pointed to the pistol. [i]"I took the liberty of removing the limiter this time. You get five shots before reloading now, but the stored charge should be plenty stronger. You'll cripple any cybernetics so long as you're accurate. And of course,"[/i] There was a dry chuckle as Mak0 set a box of rounds on the table. With a nod, Hotshot claimed his items and turned for the door. Upon stepping outside, he quickly reconnected to Skynet and tried contacting Saturnine as he fired a grappling hook to ascend to the rooftops. [color=crimson][i]"Sat? you copy? Sat?"[/i][/color] When no reply came through, the boss groaned. It seemed like he'd be the one contacting other cells. Baba would have to be first since The Lost could be reasonable. As he took off running, Hotshot made a mental note to stop by Jigen's before tracking down Baba. He'd have to take his noodles to go this time. Meanwhile, back in the hideaway, Mak0 returned to the workshop and started packing up tools. As soon as he made contact with another Pack member directly, it was going to be time to close up shop. This particular errand also meant having to track down a nosy Badger. Mak0 turned and picked up a rifle that had been leaning against a wall. An unfinished project, but with a little work, it would be more than a fair trade for some information. [hider=The Shark] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7xpJYmD.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Rip Current] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ajhzZs0.jpeg[/img] [/hider]