[h2]Miina Malina[/h2] Not having to talk [i]herself[/i] to get into the guarded city was nice, although something about being mistaken for a performer rankled. She hadn't learned magic and swordplay, however ineptly, to be mistaken for some common [i]juggler[/i] or the like, and Miina had even gone out of her way to make sure her clothes made an impression that the rest of her didn't. Not that she spoke up to object, or anything that might jeopardise their progress--the girl just pouted a little instead. Plus continued wondering [i]why[/i] exactly she was travelling with this group. Well... if Zeke was anywhere in this country, looking in cities was probably the best place for it. No other red hair around, so not right here. Fortunately, she was at least somewhat forewarned about who they were meeting this time--enough to [i]not[/i] fall into hopelessly staring straight from the offset. Not that she could think of many other places to look in this scenario, defaulting to staring down at her feet instead. [i]Almost[/i] enough to miss the Viera's wink, but that just added another furious blush to her cheeks.