Scarlet said “when we met she was almost taken by one of those red eyed guys. And she had a strange attack in the woods the next day. Headaches and weakness too…but she’s strong and selfless…” Shinlo nodded and said “her past?” Scarlet shook her head and said “a ranger, up to a few years ago when she was found by the ranger core who found her up north wounded badly…but wearing no winter gear at all.” Shinlo nodded as he tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair. “Seems…she’s lost herself completely…but how?” Ash looked at her hand a moment then said softly “I saw him behind you and I…knew I had to stop him. But in that alley my wind would do more harm then help. I didn’t know what to do till a wave came over me, like past of me woke for a moment to trigger that power within me…those words I said I don’t know where they came from…”