[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/k6ISKjx.png[/img] [hider=𖦭]STR [b][2][/b] | DEX [b][3][/b] | MAG [b][1][/b] | DEF [b][1][/b] | RES [b][1][/b] | AGI [b][3][/b] | LCK [b][4][/b] [b]《 Luck of the Devil 》[/b] [i]Fortune favours the foul. +3 LCK.[/i][/hider][sub][@Zeroth][@TheMushroomLord][@PKMNB0Y][/sub][/center] [b]“Because I don’t live here.”[/b] The answer was direct, without hesitation. Trust was built upon the impression of being straightforward, without any attempt at bullshit or deflection, after all. He matched her gaze, holding it briefly as he recalled everything that C had mentioned they ought to figure out. The Adventurer’s Guild existed, and with a positive enough impression, he’d be able to get a reference from someone who was associated with them. [b]“I’ll tell you more if you tell me about this place and yourself. The other one in the shack was worried about demonic kings and wars.”[/b] If she agreed, of course, the elf would begin speaking himself, his gaze turning towards their surroundings once more as he followed her patrol route through the winding corridors made by the shantytown’s residents. [b]“Where I came from, everyone is of one race and you spend perhaps a quarter of your life in schooling before you’re expected to obtain a profession, where you would spend the remaining three-quarters of life contributing to society and the betterment of your family through work. If you’re lucky, you’d have opportunities to travel and relax, but for most, they need to work hard just to pay for food and rent.”[/b] Unless one was fortunate enough to be born with wealth, connections, or talent. Or lucky enough to have risked it all on an investment that paid off. But even that could be lost with a surprise medical bill, a downturn in the economy, pandemics and technological advances blasting apart preconceptions like a double-gauge shotgun. [b]“So, for many, the space between the end of the first quarter and the start of the three quarters is where they find an opportunity to enjoy their lives while they are young and fresh.”[/b] That wasn’t his own experience. He didn’t have the space for such a whimsical adventure, even if he [i]had[/i] booked that flight and flown on that plane. He lifted his gaze towards the sky, one so desperately blue, one so uncaring for the desolation of those beneath it. Was Heaven real in this world? Was Heaven just another person’s Earth? [b]“That’s what I did, but instead of enjoying anything, something I don’t quite understand happened to me, and when I woke up, I found myself in that shack with the other guy.”[/b] The elf turned back to his companion. [b]“The distance between where I am and where I was is uncrossable, so now, I suppose, I’ll have to find work.”[/b] His palm turned towards her. [b]“And a knowledgeable guide would work wonders there. Especially if she’d work for free.”[/b] He did not smile.