[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/k6ISKjx.png[/img] [hider=𖦭]STR [b][2][/b] | DEX [b][3][/b] | MAG [b][1][/b] | DEF [b][1][/b] | RES [b][1][/b] | AGI [b][3][/b] | LCK [b][4][/b] [b]《 Luck of the Devil 》[/b] [i]Fortune favours the foul. +3 LCK.[/i][/hider][sub][@Zeroth][@TheMushroomLord][@PKMNB0Y][/sub][/center] The country, Cethaim. The city, Neir. A feudal ruling system, with a King Selm and the nobles that likely managed the cities or provinces. School had stopped teaching medieval history after the eighth grade, but media had kept the knowledge alive regardless. No war though, so it must be a time of peace. And regarding the cat-eared girl’s response to his own story… [b]“Too many possibilities,”[/b] he echoed. That was an apt way of describing the difference between where he came from and where he now was. Amoeba the size of basketballs, possessing human intellect. Heads-up displays invisible to all others, yet capable of assigning numerals to vague values. And, of course, mercenaries that hunted monsters while taking the form of lanky youths. It was fictional, and perhaps it was made even more fictional by how ‘C’ had predicted all this through his own consumption of media. [b]“I’ve no problem with testing. As for the other one, I’ll help him out afterwards, if he wants work.”[/b] The elf retracted his hand. Her grip was solid. He felt the calluses, formed by the hilt of that two-handed sword. [b]“And mine…Cassius.”[/b] He blinked, eyes flickering upwards briefly as he reconsidered his thoughts, his words. Ah, no. It made enough sense. In this feudal, miserable age, where there were no cars, no internet, no central heating, no plumbing, no good food, no entertainment, there was nothing to distract from the mind-numbing nature of ‘work’. If he died and returned to a world with more possibilities but less quality of life, and if there was no guarantee that his modern education would mean much to aristocrats and those who had wealth, why should he be so eager to delve back into an office job? Why indeed? [b]“If you’ve got nothing else to do but patrol, would you mind telling me about your life as an adventurer?”[/b]