[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/austera-simple-tfb-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230504/0257ed6a9f7f0bf4b9359b8c9ca8d06c.png[/img][/url][/center] [b][color=Lavenderblush]Time:[/color][/b] MORNING [b][color=Lavenderblush]Location:[/color][/b] EXT. DOCK [b][color=Lavenderblush]Interactions/Mentions:[/color][/b] Another guy affiliated with The New Dawn [@SilverPaw]; Zion [@Helo]; Guy affiliated with The New Dawn [@Lava Alckon] [b][color=Lavenderblush]Equipment: [/color][/b][hider=][color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Attire from Avalia [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Backpack [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Smartphone [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Wallet and key [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Computer [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Headphones [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Spare eyeglasses [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Plastic bag [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Letter [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Zion's hunting knife [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Clothes from Earth [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Canteen "borrowed" from Malachi's [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Map "borrowed" from Malachi's[/hider] [hr] [color=Lightcyan]Jun gaped as the nimble vampire-esque elf launched himself off the ship, executing a perfect leap and landing smoothly on the docks below. Part of him wanted to applaud the impressive display of agility, but he tamped it down. Instead, Jun took a tiny step back and sort of half-hid behind Zion's broader frame. [color=magenta]"Think you fellers can tell me your experience with sea-faring?"[/color] The dark elf asked once he returned. [color=magenta]"Have ya swam before? Been on a ship? Dug up treasure? Any sort of anything you'd like to share with me?"[/color] Treasure hunting. Despite his current circumstances as a reluctant passenger on this voyage, Jun felt a spark of excitement ignite within, enough for his eyes to briefly twinkle with piqued interest. He had traveled by ship before, but only as a passenger. As for swimming, well, that was hardly his territory. He could muster little beyond a frantic doggy paddle before resigning himself to the dead man's float — that buoyancy trick never failed to elicit alarmed shrieks from onlookers. When Tanithil's eyes found and pierced his own, Jun hurriedly averted his gaze to the safety of his own shuffling feet. To ignore the questions after locking eyes felt painfully, excruciatingly awkward. But he wasn't about to give up the silent treatment. So Jun gave a small head-shake as an answer.[/color] [hider=TLDR][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNTg2NmN3c2NwOTN0OTkybHBkNWMwMXI1Nmk3aGhxc29kajVuemNhbyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/7p7z3vxucrNCw/giphy.gif[/img][/hider] [hr][hr] [color=696969][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/punk-typewriter-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240122/96b51cbc48bd377db299e57ead156677.png[/img][/url][/center][b][color=634533]Time:[/color][/b] A.M. [b][color=634533]Location:[/color][/b] River Port [b][color=634533]Interactions/Mentions:[/color][/b] [@mole][@Conscripts] [b][color=634533]Equipment: [/color][/b] Knife, drugs, and wallet looted from dope peddler [center][h3][color=634533]✠✠✠✠✠[/color][/h3][/center] Vasco came to in the grime of a narrow back alley, still reeking of giggle water, dope, and perfumed company from the night before. A groan rattled from his throat as he peeled himself up off the cobbles. He staggered around to get his bearings straight. Every inch of his body felt like it had gone a few rounds with a heavyweight champ. Something squished underfoot and Vasco blinked blearily at a pint-sized fellow, battered black and blue with streaks of crimson. But the little runt was still pulling air. Vasco racked his brain, trying to piece together the jigsaw of last night’s escapades. Ever since rolling into Avalia, he’d been aching to paint the town for cheating the reaper, but his minders were tough nuts to crack. After several attempts, Vasco slipped their watchful eyes and he hit the juice joints hard, toasting to life with every riff-raff in sight. Fists flew in a smoky haze of music and hooch, and somewhere between a left hook and a line of joy powder, the night had spiraled. Whatever was in the powder must’ve been some good stuff too, cause the next thing Vasco knew, Barrock was dragging his keister back to their digs. But how’d he end up back out on the street? A familiar wave of dizziness crashed over him, the world spinning like a broken top. He slumped down and dug through his pockets, pulling out the little packet of powder from last night. With a lick of his thumb, he dusted the powder across his upper lip and snorted it up. Vasco gazed upward, watching the sky run circles until it tired itself into a calm blue. He exhaled and eyed the rumpled form next to him. Ah, that’s right. The guy was some two-bit dope peddler. They were meant to do some business, but then the meet-up turned sideways when this squirt flipped his lid over Vasco being human. They ended up beating the stuffing out of each other. Chuckling, Vasco made sure to frisk the unconscious runt of his valuables before he took off. Good start to the day: a workout and a windfall. When he returned to Barrock, the big green looked sorer than a boiled owl. Rowan was stewing even worse. Aurora was still wearing a long face, down in the dumps. Vasco scratched his scruffy mug, aggravating a raw nick on his jaw, then smeared the blood off on his shirt. [color=C2B4A7]“Yeah, morning to you lovely dames, too. So, what’s the caper today?”[/color][/color]