[center][h1][b]The DNCC[/b][/h1] The Department of Numan Conduct and Control (DNCC) is an important governmental agency that was established in 1923 in response to the rise of super-powered individuals, known as "numans", who began taking on the roles of heroes and villains. As these numans started intervening in matters of public safety and law enforcement across the country and world, the need arose for an organization to regulate their activities. The DNCC was created to fulfill this purpose by bringing order and oversight to the world of numans. Specifically, the DNCC aims to promote peace and cooperation among numans while also protecting the general public. The agency maintains a registry of all active numan heroes and provides support services to assist them in their duties, such as funding, equipment, training facilities, insurance, and secret identity protection. This allows heroes to focus on keeping people safe rather than worrying about logistics. The DNCC also constructs specialized detention facilities to hold villainous numans who break laws and threaten society. Additionally, they administer a justice system for determining how to handle detained villains and other legal issues arising from numan conflicts. The goal is to enable heroes to apprehend criminals with minimal collateral damage. Through public funding and taxes, the DNCC is able to offer competitive salaries, benefits packages, and relocation services to registered heroes. If a hero's secret identity is ever compromised, the DNCC steps in quickly to re-establish the hero with a new civilian and superhero identity for their safety. This comprehensive support system allows heroes to serve and protect the public good without putting undue burdens on themselves. Overall, the DNCC provides vital regulation and assistance to the world of numans that enables these super-powered beings to use their abilities responsibly for the benefit of all.[/center]