[center][h2][color=00aeef][i][b]Miss DeeDee[/b][/i][/color][/h2][/center] [indent]A Of course she had smiled and clasped her hands together, pressing them to her cheek when she found out she was to work with a chambremaid. But her ears and tail drooped the moment she found out it was a yucky slime. Two side steps and a disgusted look upon her face followed the moment it mention 'hugging.' Yuck. A shiver rushed down her spine to the tip of tail, but she faked a smile and nodded nonetheless at Sora, the Chambremaid. Blue eyes shifted and watched the undead chef meet with the undead receptionist. The ghost would be the veteran of the bunch and she knew that the ghost would hold more clout with Madame Cynthena. Ears flattened and eyes narrowed. She would have to watch herself when around or dealing with this haunting spirit of the hotel. An enthused smile she forced and nodded to Ana, the Receptionist. Just then a shrill bell sounded out. Madame let them know it was time to get to work and DeeDee gave a curt nod and immediately checked the hallways and stairs. The last workers here did a decent job of keeping the walls, paintings and vases filled with flowers nicely. The runner carpets looked clean and crisp. Even high above they paid attention to detail and cleaned up to the ceilings as well. After checking these areas, she marched down the stairwell to check the receiving area and found just the same level of care and cleanliness here. If the guests were still there, DeeDee would curtsy politely and just give them a simple and polite, [color=00aeef]"[i]Bonjour"[/i][/color] as she went to tend to the immediate premises just outside the hotel. The former grounds keeper had done a decent job on the exterior and windows, however, the leaves and branches had accumulated since then. So she had cinched up her apron and spent her time raking and sweeping the immediate walkways and greenspaces just outside the ground floor doors and windows, humming softly to herself. [/indent]