[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1184338807965888622/1224202026230087710/Headers.png?ex=662f16fb&is=661ca1fb&hm=76d0e3142d9a69548278dd37add7ea5c712adf2763ec4c9a81ec5087397d3b99&[/img][/center] [color=#758173]Time:[/color] Morning [color=#758173]Location:[/color] Munir's Room [color=#758173]Attire:[/color] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1184338807965888622/1230631956639907901/2024-04-18_14_31_19.672-0700.jpg?ex=66340652&is=66219152&hm=a783c767d82dcbdb86897f4cb079e3366b27b349ce5dd0626c32d05a9cca1e68&]Munir's Shirt[/url] [color=#758173]Interaction:[/color] [@Infinite Cosmos] Munir [color=#758173]Mentions:[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BCGMDwO.png[/img][/center] As Mina slowly blinked her eyes open, she was greeted by the soft gray light filtering through the window and a soft pattering of rain hitting said window. For a moment, she lay there, allowing her senses to adjust to her surroundings, trying to piece together the events of the previous night. The memories came flooding back in fragments, the chaotic ritual, Torvi's unexpected intervention and kidnapping of her, the assault from the spirits, and the comforting presence of Munir. Taking a deep breath, Mina sat up slowly, her movements careful as she glanced around the room, taking in the familiar furnishings and the crackling fire in the hearth. She glanced down at herself to see she was now [uRL=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1184338807965888622/1230631956639907901/2024-04-18_14_31_19.672-0700.jpg?ex=66340652&is=66219152&hm=a783c767d82dcbdb86897f4cb079e3366b27b349ce5dd0626c32d05a9cca1e68&]dressed in a linen tunic[/url] that held the familiar scent of Munir. A sense of calm washed over her as she realized where she was, a sense of safety enveloping her like a warm embrace. Her gaze drifted to the figure sleeping peacefully on the floor, his features softened in slumber. Her heart swelled with affection as she watched him, a rush of gratitude washing over her for his unwavering devotion and care. But as she studied him further, a furrow formed between her brows. Why was he sleeping on the floor? Shouldn't he be in the bed with her? Concern tinged her thoughts, but she pushed it aside for the moment, focusing instead on the overwhelming feeling of affection she felt for him. Wrapping the blanket around her shoulders, Mina carefully made her way down to the floor, her steps quiet as she approached Munir's side. She knelt down next to him and gently brushed a lock of hair from his forehead, her touch feather-light as she leaned down to press a soft kiss to his cheek. [color=#758173]"Munir,"[/color] she whispered, her voice barely above a breath as she watched him, a fond smile gracing her lips. [color=#758173]"Thank you... for everything."[/color] Curling up next to him, Mina nestled into his side, her head resting against his chest as she listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. In that moment, surrounded by warmth and love, she felt at peace, knowing that she was exactly where she was meant to be.