[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YPix3H6.png[/img] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/a_ZXp74cmcnxAvQSBK0nee5IJqvtSKuclfYouJxS7HA/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/231126/fd923e18179d11fb770a1c53aea6dd00.png?format=webp[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Fucking everyone, it seems.[/right][right][b][code]Kari's house[/code][/b][/right][hr] The recollection happened and… Left Stormy confused. Thus far, they were only having these in their dreams. It was akin to Anya’s magic, insofar as there was information to be shared. But this one was waking. Kari had some sort of dealing with 8th Street, something she wanted no part in apparently. Honestly it was hard to blame her. Stormy could guess that they wanted her for her knowledge gathering Lux, assuming she hadn’t done anything crazy like severing. But that was put out of Stormy’s mind when he hear Sully shouting about Drake running down a stalker. He noticed Tayla and Sully talking, after Tayla had put on those headphones. Odd. Stormy waited a moment, and then made his mind up once Sully started passing out shots from the Chalice. [color=00ff98]”I’m going to go and back him up. Too many cooks in that kitchen as it is,”[/color] he nodded to the house. [color=00ff98]”Mind yourselves.”[/color] [hr] Stormy followed the voices in the distance, one he could easily recognize as Drake. He could pinpoint them by the glow of his friend’s electrical weapon brandished in the open. He managed to catch the very end of their conversation, hearing Drake mentioning someone coming back to the coven- Who the [i]hell[/i] could that be? For Drake to be chewing them out like that, it must’ve been someone shitty. Whoever they were, both they and Drake were treated to the sight of Stormy stepping forward with a shield hanging off of his arm, the Stoic Shell. A glowing green tower shield of magic energy that stood at 4 and a half feet tall, and 20 inches wide. Stormy fixed a calm, yet firm gaze on their stalker… Yeah, that tracked. [color=00ff98]”Whatever you’re about to do, I’d suggest thinking heavily on your options. You aren’t welcome around here, [i]Tsukino.”[/i][/color] Just like Britney, he advocated for her getting removed when they were young. [color=00ff98]”We have no interest in dealing with your mafia.”[/color] If it really came down to it, Stormy could always hurl a shield up at Drake to deflect a projectile like some shit from a bad movie. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WmdEpkp.png[/img] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/i9mJHtTQ4ljVlHKFlGvOBH8R-LYGwnr8vLigPvEQbVo/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/240204/a46d173d864e54efd06ab675a496cd2c.png?format=webp&quality=lossless[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] The Coalition of Cunts [/right][right][b][code]Kari's House[/code][/b][/right][hr] Amara gleaned absolutely nothing from the recollection. The unfortunate truth was that Amara couldn’t [i]remember[/i] Kari Wilson from Shimmer. The Army replaced that memory with one from another world, probably Glint or Flare, where Kari was relatively useless. She had cool magic, but didn’t do much. And Amara sure as hell didn’t know which phantom to ask, since that was like finding one grain of sand in particular on a beach. So she put it in the back of her mind, and didn’t even try to [i]think[/i] on it. Ken cracked a joke and Sully started running a shot line. Amara wasn’t entire disappointed, but she didn’t think now was the time. Rather, Amara just followed Ken and the others down into the basement. It felt weird being here, she had this nagging feeling that she should’ve remembered this stuff. Maybe if she went through the books she wrote, she could find some memory of her and Kari being familiar. Maybe. All this stuff told Amara that whoever Kari was, she must’ve been talented. Capably. It was a whole workshop, so why weren’t her memories strong enough? Amara appreciated people who were crafty enough to have workshops, and Kari was one of them… Yet she was a blank. Amara didn’t want to say that out loud, it wouldn’t be right. It would be admitting she wasn’t going to be useful around the coven, admitting that the Army was adjoined to more than just her soul. Instead, she paid attention to Ken sliding in a coin between the seams of a wall, and opening up a pocket dimension. He always [i]was[/i] a damn good Adept. She found her hand resting near her gun under her jacket when it opened, but it dropped back down in disappointment when Ken started tearing through everything inside. Ken was unstable now, and that meant he’d need a minute to recenter. Quickly, Amara jumped on that. [color=789caa]”Ken, listen to me, man. We need you collected, okay?”[/color] She asked, stern but gentle like she was taking to someone on the edge of a cliff. [color=789caa]”Wherever her things went, this tells us the culprit can possibly get into pocket dimensions on their own. Silver linings.”[/color] [i]Focus. Focus. Focus. Complete the mission.[/i] [color=789caa]”Maybe we can use what got left behind. I’m going upstairs to look around, see if there’s anything telling that way. In the meantime, get your thoughts in order. Put that ninja discipline to use,”[/color] Amara offered before turning to the stairs. [color=789caa]”And think about why someone would go for her notes and not the rest of the things in there. Anyone coming with me, come with.”[/color] Someone had been here, this house had been compromised. It could’ve been weeks ago, or it could’ve been an hour ago. Knowing that, Amara crept up to the main floor of the house, gun drawn, and [i]slowly[/i] crept up the stairs to the top floor. If there was a fight, she’d be ready.