Deep in the crown Tundra, Fuyu and Glacé were practicing there own routine before Fuyu stood and chucked as she said "I can sense you there my siblings". The rest of the Shinobi no Shiki appeared as Haru asked her "Why a pokemon contest as your challenge?". Fuyu though about it before smiling as she said "Because it's different besides you know as well as I do Glacé was never much of a battler, she didn't like them and hates seeing her siblings or friends get hurt, this allow her to excell at something. Plus, Shinranui is associated with the Kimono girls of Johto and there Eeveeloution specialist. Imagine the great things she can accomplished". Haru was silent before Aki spoke up "I think its perfect, Fuyu and Glacé are already amazing performers and Shinranui is already a big wig in contest, he would probably know how to bring out the best potential" he told the group which Natsu agreed with. Haru didn't seem convinced but end up nodding, she was outnumbered 3 to 1 anyway. "Well, we look forward to your performance today. Show the world just how amazing you and Glacé are" Haru said, before everyone vanished. "Don't let them forget that wooden crown for the statue, otherwise the harvest god won't appear" Glacé reminded Fuyu who nodded. A small wooden crown would sudden drop infront of Shinranui with a message "Place this crown upon the statue head in the middle of town to reawaken the legendary pokemon Calyrex, the harvest god of this land. Then after our match, seek out the legendary horses Spectrier or Glastrier reuniting Calyrex with his steed. They will lead you to the poucher base in Galar as you need Calyrex at full power to break the illusion that protect the base alongside the three keys myself, Natsu and Aki have. You have two, I am your final obstacle. Then within the depth of that base defeat Haru and mother, to bring Nobunaga ambition to an end in Galar. Our match will take place in a few hours, just before the sun set as a beautiful backdrop will serve as our stage. See you soon cutie x"