Drake yelled “Black Knight! Move! Then go for the Blue Eyes!” The knight nodded and jumped out of Lusters way and aimed a slash at Seto directly. Drake said “I won’t let her die for him again…I won’t!” Yugi saw this and said “Kaiba!” He pulled a card out and yelled “Big Shield Guardian! Block that attack!” The warrior appeared and jumped in front of the attack. The Black Knight sliced the warrior in half and it vanished. But now Blue Eyes was perfect to hit the knight down with her claws. Yugi gasped and held his chest, the monster being destroyed hit him hard. He fell to his knees, breathing hard. “Joey…gather…the monsters…we have to…attack at once…” Serena nodded and the shadows pulled back and saw Yugi go down. “Yugi. We have to end this. Guardian!” Her card appeared and she said “we strike now. Mahad? Will you cover her attack?” She moved her staff and said “I’ll attack right behind the pair. I’ll finish this nightmare”