Harriet tilted her head slightly as she listened to Mike speak, she nodded at the mention of being overwhelmed by information. "That's understandable." She said with a small smile, "Studying anything can be a bit hard to start with. I don't expect many to know a lot about either species; to be fair, I don't know too much about them either." She said with a gentle smile with a small sigh as she leaned back in her chair. "Today has been good so far." She started, crossing her arms slightly, "Freya headed out to get a bit of a walk, her injuries are getting better. I had a call with my brothers, and then I stopped at a little occult shop on the way here." She glanced down to the bag under the tables, "Found it was actually ran by a Witch, which was fantastic." The figure moved to step into the shadows, pulling Benjamin with them before they pulled him out of the shadows and into the compound. They shoved Benjamin forward with a bit of a grin from the shadows. "Miss Lily." They called out, their voice cold. "The meal has arrived."