[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 757 [b]Level 8 Roxas:[/b] 20/80 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 22/80 [h3]Port Meridian[/h3][u]Dystopiascape[/u][/center] Roxas also climbed to the top deck of the Virgin Victory along with everyone else. And when he got there, he immediately saw the deck swarming with lightning minions that the Consul had summoned. Meanwhile, the Consul himself decided to stay in his chariot and pelt them with lightning rather than actually coming down there directly. Great, a Moebius who was also a pragmatist. Just what they all needed. Unfortunately, Roxas already knew his ranged attacks were going to be next to useless here. Apart from wasting all his MP flinging spells at the Moebius who may or may not resist them, the only other option was the RockGun which he was pretty certain would probably just do chip damage at most. Better to focus on mopping up the Zeustrikes instead and try to keep them off the other Seekers’ backs who were trying to shoot at Z. However, Roxas [i]did[/i] put one strategy in motion by summoning Fortune, who aimed her Rail Cannon at Z’s chariot and began the process of charging her weapon. Once that was in motion, Roxas used his phantom ruby to summon the virtual cubes and arrange them in a protective cubical shell around Fortune, while still leaving her enough room to not be harmed by them touching her. He hoped this would keep her hidden from view and if worse came to worse, protect her from all the lightning attacks long enough for her to charge her rail cannon and fire it at Z. And that was largely why Roxas got a slightly late start in going into the fray against the Zeustrikes. Their lightning arms could be problematic, but Roxas was agile enough to mostly avoid those. He wasn’t sure what elements these things were vulnerable to, if any, so he decided to avoid using Spells for the time being. The Nobody was certainly capable enough of cutting his way through these Zeustrikes. They looked like they could hit hard but also looked like they could be taken down with hard enough hits themselves. And that mostly proved true. After managing to deal with a trio of Zeustrikes that were coming after him directly, Roxas went on the move. Getting around, even on the deck of a moving ship was pretty easy for him thanks to flow motion. So once he was on the move, Roxas made the rounds to hit various groups of Zeustrikes that were bothering the other Seekers. He started first with Geralt, who looked like she was having some trouble with their higher numbers. Roxas put his flow motion momentum into a ground strike that sent out a shockwave that could deal some damage but also knock many of the Zeustrikes off balance and give an opening for Geralt to follow up. But Roxas didn’t stick around long enough to see what the Witcher did, instead going right back on the move again in search of another Seeker he could help out. At this point Roxas had committed to his decision to minimize his use of magic. With all the lightning raining down on them, there was a pretty real chance he might need to step in and help Blazermate heal everyone up. So with that in mind, Roxas was sticking with his current strategy of using flow motion to dance around the ship’s deck and putting that moment into attacks that could either take out Zeustrikes outright, or leave them open for someone else to follow up on. He figured someone like Sandalphon would likely be pretty well equipped to capitalize on the openings he made among the Zeustrikes. Or if not her, someone else surely would. His first real problem came when a stray lightning bolt threatened to hit the area where Fortune was currently hidden. Not wanting to take the chance, Roxas zoomed back over to that location and essentially let himself take the lightning bolt instead of her. Lucky for him it wasn’t a chain lightning otherwise this would have been for nothing. But it did still hurt nonetheless, and unbeknownst to Roxas also inflicted him with Charge and Jolted. But at least he kept Fortune unharmed which meant she could keep charging her weapon interrupted. And so the Nobody shook it off and then went back on the move yet again, figuring that staying put too long was just asking to get struck by more lightning or get swarmed by Zeustrikes.