[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,258 (+3) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 9[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (119/100) (+1 bonus pending) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] [color=Aquamarine]Warp Charges:[/color] 1 [hider=warp locations] Virgin Victory teleport room Top of the Split mountain Outside the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage Tostarena Town S.O.U. Building Seiran Clinic Underground Roadway (Seiran Rebel Base Outskirts) Below City of glass entrance (plate maintenance tunnel) Vandelay Campus (Alleyway) Arahabaki’s entrance Deep Ground - the Source [/hider] [/center] [color=Aquamarine]”Well, I guess that’s one way to do it”[/color] Midna commented as Goldlewis uppercutted Roland onto the ship, trying to make light of the situation even as her voice was uncharacteristically filled to the brim with nerves. Those nerves died down just a little as the Virgin Victory proved itself to be quite the absurdly powerful machine, lifting into the air and then blasting off and away, but, unfortunately, the initial part of their getaway was only a brief reprieve. With little effort the Consul caught up, bringing the storm with him, and setting Midna’s heart beating faster again. The boasting he was doing didn’t exactly help, nor the way he called them ‘mortals’ which lined up with Pit’s identifying him as a god, or at least as someone who considered themselves as one. Had she been in a more confident state of mind Midna might have shot back with insults and counter boasts about how he’d be their third so called god today, but as it was, all she ended up saying was [color=Aquamarine]”Goddess, this is going to be awful”[/color] She was, at least when it came to her own subsequent experiences, entirely correct in this assessment, as the already pain on the eyes lightshow in the sky started to rain down upon them. Lightning unending, infused with an extra kick that was just perfect to bring her down Still, she didn’t find this out right away, as when Z targeted the badly spaced pair that were Midna and her Flygon with a bolt of chain lighting they had a way to handle it. The blast arched down towards them, prompting the ground type pokemon to throw itself in between its mistress and the attack. The bolt slammed into it, and then, rather than arching onwards, was redirected into the ground as the dragon earthed the strike. Still, despite its supposed immunity to electrical attacks, the pokemon still hunched in pain, something else other than electricity in the attack clawing at its vitality. That was concerning. The despite attack not striking her, it still impacted the princess nonetheless, Midna experiencing a spike of stress from mere proximity, as well as being dazzled by the close proximity of the blindingly bright lightning strike. A rather poor combination that left her retaliation, frantically flicking down the trigger of her Mutagen Shotgun till it clicked empty several times over, incredibly scattershot, all the pellets flying wide, which was an impressive lack of accuracy even for her. At least her flygon’s own retaliation, a burst of spikes who’s damage valued half of that of the chain lightning damage pre-damage-mitigation, flew far more true, lightly homing in on the causer of their release. Unfortunately, while the Flygon could shut down a lot of Z’s lighting effects, both she and it fared incredibly poorly when a wave of ice washed across the battlefield thanks to the consul’s minions. The blizzard bit deep into Midna’s bones, while also chilling the soul and cracked the scales of her flygon, both of them weak ice due to their shared dragon typing, and the ground typing of flygon making them even more vulnerable, leaving the strikes devastating to endure. It was her turn to block now, with the princess pulling her new ice shield from a portal, and them both of them hunkering behind it as the storm threatened them with extinction. Given it was merely a medium shield, it only did so much too ward the large beast and now fairly tall Midna from the storm. It was incredibly fortunate then, that the lack of shooting power in the team led to them focusing a great deal of their strength on cutting down the mooks. Them, and also Midna’s own beast legion which casually ignored everything going on on the battlefield, moving through it like a ghost, claws scything down anything that was in reach like it was a reaper amidst the wheat. If only it could get more than a few meters form Midna, she’d have happily let it play her part in this entirely. As it stood, it and others struck down the first wave of minions, bringing an end to the storm and a reprieve to those most vulnerable to them… just in time for her flygon to have to earth another chain lightning strike. Already sluggish, wilting, and panting with pain, Midna could see as she hid behind it that it would not be able to protect her from many more strikes, and another surprise ice storm would be its end. So, upon seeing Z casually sumon a replacement wave of Zeustrikes, she let it flee back to the twilight realm, leaving her alone, frostbitten, holding an empty shotgun and practically cowering behind her shield while her mind stumbled over what to even do to help or fight. Seeing this, Goldlewis knit his brow together in concern, his teeth gritted. He could read body language just fine, but he reached out anyway. "Hey, Midna! You hangin' in there, cowgirl?" Had she been herself, she might have insisted everything was fine, but a pileup of her inherited malusis caused the dam to break as she admitted “No! I can’t see shit, I can't feel my toes, and my heart’s trying to rip itself out of my chest in fear!” on the open coms for all to hear. In that moment, she might have learned something. About reaching out. About asking for help, as spot healing from Sandalphon, a defensive boost from Zenkichi and a hand to rise from Goldlewis helping her get back on her feet. Then the shield came flying and everything she’d been given was washed away. Midna’s stress went right back to the roof as a bolt of lightning came flying in after the shield, coming face to face ⅔ of the causes of Urbosa’s death, fear leaving her far too slow to try and get out of the way of what came next. The lightning slammed into the shield, causing an electrical denotation that threw Midna back to the floor. Then, with no flygon to ground it, the chain lighting arched onwards, pulsing between those that had helped her and then the princess herself, prompting Jolted to trigger, bringing down a third bolt down on her location. It was here where she found out what the extra damage that hadn’t been resisted by her flygon was as she tried and failed to push herself up off the ground with strength-less arms, and saw her own skin. Unnatural paleness suffused it, the tan skin she’d gained from several fusions gone as that dreadful familiar sight from her lowest moment starred her straight in the face. The moment where she herself had almost died, exposed to the divine Light Spirit’s radiance by a spiteful Zant. If there was any doubt about Z’s claim of divinity, it was washed away by this and this alone. Even as the color returned to her skin, the Light spirits’ later blessing of her and Zenkichi's boost having turned what would have been a dead nail to simply a devastating strike, Midna’s spirit was broken. She was worthless in this fight, and if she stayed in it she was going to die, be it from frost, light, or a heart attack. So, with a weak tug on her astral chain, she brought her beast legion running over to her, where it promptly grabbed her by her collar, threw her over its back, and then started running for the entrance of the ship, a defeated Midna slumped over its back.