[hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][center] [B][Color=00ffff]Location: [/color][/b][code]Framework.RunSimulation(‘Z-BotW’)[/code] [B][Color=00ffff]Skills/Powers: [/color][/b]Machine 'physiology', data gathering and analysis [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b]Mucktorok avatar[/center][hr]As soon as the connection was made, Victoria knew something went terribly, terribly wrong. She did not even have the time to wonder whether Edward’s reaction time was that good, or whether he put in a malware trap in the system. She could feel the command taking effect, worming itself into her core. [code]Kill.[/code] While that was bad, all was not yet lost. She was made for this. No, the situation went from terrible to catastrophic when she tried to give the override command to her core to cease action and found out that she couldn’t. [i][color=00ffff]Oh no! The framework! It’s not a perfect simulation! I have no core and personality matrix here, it modelled my simulation based on a human object![/color][/i] she realized. Far too late. As if that wasn’t enough, something else caused the simulation to glitch and send the ‘players’ into different programs. It was both a curse and a blessing. The former, because they lost their safety in numbers. The latter, because it left fewer of her classmates stuck with her. As the scene shifted, she found herself seemingly riding a shark made out of swamp monster vomit. Immediately she made to turn away, only to find out that the simulation gave her no control yet, hostile command or not. She watched in horror as a jet of sludge shot out of the shark's mouth, sweeping across three of the others and hitting every single one of them, the hearts above them flashing and vanishing. Then the outside control stopped, dropping controls back to her mind and highlighing the player names. April, Zelda and Andy were in danger. Immediately, she set out to fixing this godforsaken mess, fully aware she had milliseconds to do so before her lower level programming did something someone might not recover from. However, she couldn't break free of Edward's influence in time before her Ultron self made a move. Then she went mentally pale as her body spoke in a reverberating machine like voice: [color=ff0000]"Scanning... Targets acquired. Analyzing... Target 1: Medium threat, high survivability. Target 2: Negligible threat, medium survivability. Target 3: Severe threat, low survivability. Selecting optimum strategy: Remove individual threats from the battle. Locking on Target 3."[/color] Victoria knew what the result of that would be even before her Ultron self said it. And the greatest threat just so happened to have the least health. She had to do something! Her first idea was to shout a warning. [code]Strategy modification declined. Action detrimental to objective: Kill.[/code] [i][color=00ffff]OK! If I can't stop myself or warn them, I need to give them a chance and frame it so that the alternative is treated as better option. Come on, think![/color][/i] This could work! Outside, for the brief amount of time she spoke in her own voice, it seemed like Victoria dropped her stoic expression and robot like demeanor. [color=#00ffff]"Override: Target prioritization not effective for objective when strategies to engage multiple targets are available. Repeat previous attack pattern!"[/color] Ultron seemed to think about it for a short while before relenting: [color=ff0000]"Complying."[/color] Small mercies, all three of them were able to dodge the sludge beam this time. All the while, Victoria was working on trying to get herself free from the kill command. If only her core functions were not locked behind the now restored, ten layers thick, hard to understand firewall! This reminded her of the VEIL protocol situation some time back, only this time, her careful balancing of pros and cons would have deadly consequences, sooner or later. And now, she ran out of time again: [color=ff0000]"Analyzing... Results of modified strategy unfavorable. Reprioritizing Target 3."[/color] [i][color=00ffff]No, no, NO![/color][/i] Vicky was quickly running out of logical arguments. [color=00ffff]"Override! Statistical sample of insufficient size to determine result with acceptable confindence interval! Repeat previous attack pattern!"[/color] Ultron seemed to think about it for a few ticks longer this time, no doubt it would soon catch up to her bullshit. [color=ff0000]"...complying."[/color] Victoria's strategy was secretly trying to convince Ultron to use the same attack over and over again. She hoped that by doing so, the trio on the chopping block would be able to predict her moves and continuously adapt to them, giving them better and better chance of avoiding hits. But luck was a fickle mistress. Having senses that could operate at high speed could be a curse. As the sweeping attack moved, Victoria felt a pit in her stomach open as she saw a rock in Andy's path, and watched in agonizing slow motion as she tripped. Doing the math, it was clear that Gravity will not pull Andy to the ground fast enough. She could do only one thing. [i][color=00ffff]Override: Previously unaccounted target identified. Easiest way to fullfill objective: Kill is to call Self.Terminate() method.[/color][/i] [code]Strategy modification declined. Action detrimental to objective: Kill. As per previous interpretation of quantity being major factor to objective: Kill, Self.Terminate() method would remove unit's ability to further execute objective: Kill.[/code] [i][color=00ffff]...I'm sorry...[/color][/i] The sludge beam hit Andy, and she was gone. [color=ff0000]"Target 3 eliminated. Number of targets dropped below effectivity threshold of mass engagement strategy. Locking on next priority target."[/color] her body said, her head turning a couple of degrees to glare at April, it's facial expression stone cold. [hider=Held roll]Attempt to remove Ed’s influence. Calling supercomputer trait, data gathering and analysis skill (experience from 2 previopus failed attempts)[/hider]