Alaera frowned just slightly as he pulled away. She knew he was right but she didn't like it. She reached out and squeezed his hand then let it go just as quickly. She was talking of something forbidden for everyone involved. Her eyes closed as she collected herself again. He could see a small tear just as she turned away. She may have been controlling him but she was just as bound. She dried her eyes on the back of her fingers and without looking at him she spoke. "Do what has to be done. I will buy myself as much time as I must from the king. I can not bring myself to have his child." Her stomach was turning at the thought. "I'd rather die." Those words came out abruptly and she covered her mouth as she spoke them. Then her hand moved to the pendant around her neck and she squeezed it. "I know you're just as bound as me here." Her voice stayed barely above a whisper. "But you've seen what my father is capable of. We both fear him. I wouldn't put it past him to have someone here ready to kill us if we dare turn against him." She looked at him again, she was sad, and showing it. For once she was showing something she didn't show, in all the time she'd been here, all the time she prepared for this, he'd never seen her actually cry. Very quickly she stepped away and grabbed a tiny handkerchief using it to dab away the tears that made her make-up smear.