Ok so my idea is as follows My character is a retired centurion, he is given a 30 acre parcel of land near the border with today's Spain along with nearly a hundred slaves and six roman families living under his protection, he is in his late thirties and was retired so young because of a debilitating injury on his last campaign that left him with a limp and a prescription for herbal painkillers. He lives in a villa, a modest one at that, no sense making something astonishing near enemy territory. He has about 75 soldiers garrisoned on his estate, simple Hastati light infantry nothing too fancy...anywho I'm looking for people to partake in this centurions life as either a gladiator(s) under his sponsorship, a friend from one of the families, one of his servants or agent(s), any number of roles the life of a roman serf brought(farmer, fisherman, woodsman/hunter and so on... there will be action in this rp i assure you because theres rebels and brigands aplenty seeing as this rp was inspired by RTW. Any questions mayhaps or interests please feel free to buzz in