[hider=R. Kroger] [center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2b/77/b6/2b77b662e8065ee6fb7e3e4c5ddb18c0.jpg[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/896506343266086982/1232167621638492212/image.png?ex=66287905&is=66272785&hm=6adb3d5b0a0fc768f0505cf6834ad9918e7cd94e5b587e595f96d60974781524&=&format=webp&quality=lossless[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCW0HviPEEY&ab_channel=Dion-Topic]♫[/url] [code]"Listen, gentlemen, I'm sure we can come to an agreement."[/code] [sub][color=FF6A00]25[/color] 《》 [color=FF6A00]6'2[/color][/sub][/center] [SUB][COLOR=FF6A00]P R E S E N C E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=bcbcbc] There comes a time when you find yourself in a high-pressure, high-stakes, and deadly situation. When you find yourself in a rut, you'll need a silver tongue. Despite his ruggedly good appearance, Ralph was one for words a silver tongue, and even more as a businessman. Cool, calm, collected and charismatic. One hell of a devil, Ralph oozed an air of authority and perhaps a degree of mystery that shrouded him and his family. He was always ones to chat up the ladies and give the side-eye to any freakazoid that came his way. The mutant problem was something his brother usually dealt with. Ralph keeps it real and lets people know that he always seems to be the guy to share his cards upfront. At least, no one can see through his poker face yet. [/color] [SUB][COLOR=FF6A00]C H R O N I C L E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=bcbcbc] Hail, be well. Being born under the boot of the legion, the Kroger family was a result of an amalgamated tribe east of Hoover Dam. They weren't always slaves but in this cruel nuclear wasteland sometimes the roll of the dice. Not all the Krogers would serve a life of servitude, opting to break off and escape the life of a born soldier. Ralph was lucky to be born into the free side of the Kroger family, though the life he was put into was anything but ordinary. One of the Kroger Family's natural merits was having the iron will to survive and push through, which was passed onto our young apprentice. Spread out like jacks through the west coast and away from the Legion, the Krogers found their purchase in this life and the next from slaving. Maybe Caesar (read: kai-tzar) was partially right about the enslavement of man. If you weren't strong enough, you would be enslaved and the Kroger slaves arguably had it better than those of the Legion or worse. Alongside the slavery business, was the Mercenary company that was offered by the family, fighting squabbles and for the highest bidder always worked out in the end for the Krogers. Lastly leading a small casino and caravan business always kept the family on a legitimate front, albeit a bit seedy. Ralph's role was that of a manager and businessman, brokering deals, solving issues, and making sure the money continued to roll in like it always would. The more meatier and bruiser type of business was left to Ralph's brother. Despite cutting out business and a small hermit empire in the lesser parts of this remaining known world, there was one problem. Where would they spend the caps? Part business, but mostly pleasure it was time to open doors for the Krogers. Ralph took a bet on a cruise out to the isles of 'Hawaii'. What could be set up there, a slaver's guild, a supply line? Ralph was eager to see, but until then he enjoyed the ride like any Kroger would. [/color] [SUB][COLOR=FF6A00]S P E C I A L[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=bcbcbc] Strength - 5 Perception - 5 Endurance - 5 Charisma - 6 Intelligence - 9 Agility - 5 Luck - 6 [code][X][/code]Speech - 5 [code][X][/code]Survival - 4 Barter - 3 [code][X][/code]Guns - 4 Medicine - 2 Science - 3 Explosives - 2 Repair - 1 [/color] [SUB][COLOR=FF6A00]E Q U I P M E N T[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=bcbcbc] MK2 Combat Armor - Built for warriors, it was meant for warriors like Krogers. Stripped down to include Kroger's family crest and colors it still bears some resemblance to its pre-war state. America forever. Combat Rifle (.45) Scoped - Raider and creature hunter, nuff said. M1911 - Survived 400 years, it'll survive another 400. Backpack - It's a backpack. Medical Kit (Kroger Made!) - 1x Superstimpack, 10x Stimpack, 5x Radaway, 5x Rad-x & 5x Med-X. Denominations - 3,000 caps. Journal - Business plans inside. [/color] [/hider]