Yūma observing the warrior woman spirit throwing herself in front of his shot, squarely catching the round between the eyes and sending her back into a puddle of goop, was not his preference for putting an end to this. A-188 had been evacuated as well, meaning that all that was left was for the samurai spirit to get incinerated by the impending attack from Agent Murakami. The others had been forcing the onna-bushi back, but as the flames cleared...the samurai spirit was unphased, simply standing there observing that it was finally alone. Still, even if it wasn't attacking at the moment, Yūma moved himself to the front of the Agents, slipping his brass knuckles back on just in case. He wasn't going to attempt to comment or imagine what shape Agent Murakami would be in after that much exertion, but other than bullets, Yūma could do this all day. [color=lightblue]"Done throwing manifestations of the past at us, or do you need some final honorable duel to satisfy you?"[/color] Yūma was wary, but the spirit had communicated before, and was intelligent. Those facts meant that simply pressing the assault wasn't necessarily the best idea, not when such a powerful attack had simply phased through it as if nothing had occurred than more than a warm breeze. The spirit had declared, on its honor, none would progress further. What good was honor when all its summons were spent and it was, practically speaking, almost unarmed? But if some honor bound fight might be key to banishing it than so be it. Still, Yūma was wary and ready to evade or block should the need arise, but the lack of continued attacks by the spirit samurai had been unexpected enough to attempt to engage it in another manner completely.