[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YPix3H6.png[/img] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/a_ZXp74cmcnxAvQSBK0nee5IJqvtSKuclfYouJxS7HA/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/231126/fd923e18179d11fb770a1c53aea6dd00.png?format=webp[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Tsukino and Drake [/right][right][b][code]Kari's house[/code][/b][/right][hr] Stormy did as Drake asked, dropping the shields and letting the whole thing slide. Ten years hadn't left him lacking the memories of the things they had to face as children, not at all. But Stormy was thinking of the big picture here. Yes, they were being picked off, and [i]yes,[/i] Tsukino was a problem they had to deal with back then. But they didn't have much to go off of now, and jumping the gun like this worried Stormy. And when Stormy began to worry about people, he worried [i]a lot.[/i] Tayla stepping in seemed justifiable, when she pointed out that she could feel the hostility on the woman. But... Didn't she sever a long time ago? Odd. [quote][color=3874f4]”It could be that Wolf Bastard for all we know! That would make sense, wouldn't it? A [i]lot[/i] of sense. And even if she isn't working with or for Father Wolf, you haven't been in St. Portwel [i]in over ten years,[/i] Stormy. Some of the groups that call St. Portwell home...?" ”... Yeah, you [i]can't[/i] play softball with them.”[/color][/quote] [color=00ff98]"I think we would've caught Father Wolf sooner if it was this easy to capture her,"[/color] he responded, and was going to respond to Drake again before Sully came in like a freight train and tackled the man.... [i]Ouch.[/i] Sully could probably fix that. Probably. He let Tsukino down when she started writing around in his arms. Only for her to fall to the ground limb as a stick. [quote][color=bcbcbc][b]“This isn't fucking fair. I'm just trying to help you. Don't you know I have friends that can help with your little [i]problem[/i]?”[/b][/color][/quote] [color=00ff98]"If that were the case, why didn't you approach us openly? You could have done so sooner, or waited until we were done investigating the house. You could've even done it while we were here. I'd be lying if I didn't understand [i]why[/i] Drake felt the need to attack you,"[/color] he said patiently, keeping close to her in case she tried anything funny. [color=00ff98]"You were one of us, Tsukino. I'm almost positive Auri tried to reach out to you. And if she [i]did,[/i] you had to have known stalking us would've been a bad decision, when all of us are [i]very[/i] capable of defending ourselves. So [i]why?[/i] Talk us through that."[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NvqYYuh.png[/img] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240301/afc2e4e091f5e77155a2bde75504f79e.png[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] The Coven [/right][right][b][code]The Shadowzone > Kari's House[/code][/b][/right][hr] By the time Jack even [i]thought[/i] to check the time again, he had sped through the rest of his books in a frenzy to find something they could work with. His books on the Pit mentioned ways one could break out in [i]theory,[/i] but he had no proof that Raven or Sunshine actually left the Pit. He had nothing of real substance here. Pieces of knowledge that could help the others to approximate an answer two, yes. Maybe even another lead to pursue, but not an answer in sight. Jack enjoyed being in the dark, but not in this meaning of the word. It frustrated him to not know something about the paranormal world, but he could manage. The answers would come in time, and time was a place he needed to return to. Shadows lifted books from the desk to their resting places on the shelves, and Jack marked one with his Blackout Shift spell. He grabbed his channeler off of the desk and made a portal into Shimmer. Hopefully there hadn't been anything particularly eventful... A black, swirling disc of energy appeared in Kari's bedroom, without a sound to be heard. Jack could hear a void through the other side, growing more clear by the second starting at the sound of being underwater. His boots touched the floor in equal silence, and found himself standing behind Sloane and Lynn, who was clearly exploring the future. [quote][color=silver]“You set a bad example. We’re supposed to be searching the house, not sitting around doing nothing. Really, I can’t believe how unhelpful you’re being. This is a group effort. You think you’d at the very least tolerate being in the same room with them. Can’t even make it through a single meeting without starting a fight. You’re such an embarrassment. Why would they even invite you? If we accomplish nothing again it’s all your fault.”[/color][/quote] Was she talking about herself? [color=6644ff]"You aren't responsible for everything, my friend,"[/color] he said, breaking the illusion that she was alone at last. He was [i]terrible[/i] about announcing his presence this way.